Light Leak?


Senior Member
The following photo appears to have been damaged by a light leak. I just wanted an expert opinion on it. It looks to me like it was caused by a leak in the cartridge itself, and not from my FE2, judging by the frequency of the marks. It looks like the damage was caused when the film was rolled up in the cartridge.


What is strange is that the very next exposure was not damaged at all. Only about 6 exposures are damaged from the whole roll.

For the last roll I dropped off I put it in a Kodak canister and asked the clerk to make sure it would be shipped that way.

10 Gauge

Senior Member
It definitely appears to look like it happened when it was rolled in judging by the changes in exposure along the top edge of the frame.... Very strange that it didn't happen to all of them though.


Senior Member
I don't see a light leak. I see marks near the sprocket holes, which can be caused by excessive agitation, or too little. It's very often only apparent in scenes with sky in them, as your example shows.