the bass gives a steaming rhythm


Senior Member
Bandits helden tour-56klein.jpg


Senior Member
I see what you're trying to do but this just makes me feel uncomfortable, like the guy is gonna fall backwards and drop his nice instrument.

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Senior Member
Well there was a reason to take the pic in that angle, I took it from the second row and this way I could keep heads and shoulders out of view. I also think it is adding a dynamic feel to the image.


Senior Member
I like it, the lighting, and composition is killer, it could be a bit sharper. The angle is to extreme, move it upright a bit and you got a winner, what band gimme some details.


Senior Member
The band is Bandits, they started a few years a go in a talent show for kids. At that time they played some 'living room punk' (lacked the attitude) now the play acceptable rock for teenage girls in Dutch. Audio — Bandits