Girl portrait


Senior Member
Light through 2 windows, one in front of her, one her right side.
Nikon 50mm, f/3.5, 1/160, iso 320.

Very little PP, but do you find anything missing?

Also: Is it me, or is it Facebook? My images gets kind of 'muddy' when uploading :( I normally use dpi 100, 800 or 850 px high. Also tried dpi 72, didn't help.
Or maybe it happens when resizing in Photoshop?



Senior Member
It is a beautiful shot as is. If I were to get extremely nit-picky I would say the edge of her hair could be the a little more defined on the left. I would maybe add just a tiny bit of saturation and/or clarity to see how it looks. That might ruin the mood of the shot, though, I'm not sure.

That is a wonderful shot. Nice job!


Senior Member
I love nitpicking :eek: About saturation, it seems the image are a bit more cold right side, thanks for noticing.

And I'll see if I can do anything about the hair.

Clarity I don't have in Photoshop but I gave it a tad unsharpening, maybe that's actually what's causing it to look a bit muddy.


Senior Member
Also: Is it me, or is it Facebook? My images gets kind of 'muddy' when uploading :( I normally use dpi 100, 800 or 850 px high. Also tried dpi 72, didn't help.
Or maybe it happens when resizing in Photoshop?

First of all I like the shot! As for your facebook query, this might help How to Upload Photos to Facebook at the Best Quality | Nature TTL
I admit that I haven't got my head around image resolutions etc. completely yet but I try to optimise them as best I can, whether I succeed or not I don't know.


Staff member
Super Mod
Nice one, Mai! :) There seems to be a little bit of a vignette on 3 of the corners, but I don't see it on the upper left corner. Did you add a vignette or is this from the natural light?


Staff member
Super Mod
From natural light. You think I should try to remove it?

Thats done in my edit and is how I prefer it :)

It is fine as is but just made me wonder how it was created. ;) As for the comments about how the top of the head is cropped, it does seem to be done by many pros in today's portraits as well as with head shots. Personally I really like the photo as it is. :)

Moab Man

Senior Member
I love the shot. The hair looks soft as in nice to touch. I don't often see photos where the skin is so white that I like it (wedding photos come to mind) - a preference thing. In this case it looks great with her hair color.

As to the top of the head, again preference. I know I see more done that way.

Beautiful photo Wud.

Blade Canyon

Senior Member
Also: Is it me, or is it Facebook? My images gets kind of 'muddy' when uploading :( I normally use dpi 100, 800 or 850 px high. Also tried dpi 72, didn't help.
Or maybe it happens when resizing in Photoshop?

I agree. Many times I've uploaded a picture only to delete it immediately because it looks over-sharpened or grainy once it's online.


Senior Member
Here is a great way to post images on FB without losing quality. All done in Photoshop

1. Once you've finished all your editing go up to image then duplicate, this will make a copy of your image. Now make sure your working on the copy.

2. Go up to image then image size.. Set your resolution to 300 px and set your long edge to 2048. Make sure to tick the box resample and Preserve Details (enlargement) and click Ok.

3. Go back up to image then mode and change to 8 bit if your image is a 16 bit image. This alone will reduce the file size by half.

4. Duplicate the background layer by hitting cmd+j on a mac or ctrl +j on pc.... Go to filter then to sharpen/unsharp mask. Amount should be 50%. Radius 1.5 Pixels. Threshold 2

5. If you notice the sharpening is a little too much adjust the opacity or create a layer mask.

6. Now go to file then save for web.

7. Here are the settings used in save for web. Apply these settings and save. This works flawlessly every time. It may seem like a lot of steps but if you know your keyboard shortcuts in PS this literally takes 45 seconds.

Screen Shot 2015-06-25 at 1.30.19 PM.png
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Senior Member
I respect your opinion. This is just the way I learned.

When resizing for 2048px, 72 dpi, save for web, I get files at around 280-290 kb. Thats pretty good :)

I sell both web and print files, so I prefer the difference between print and web use.