

Senior Member
I am looking to purchase a new tripod and have a Davis and Sanford Grounder 3 way pan and tilt head now but it is difficult to set up and the legs get jammed so I need some advice. I would like to get lightweight, easy as possible set up for my Nikon D7000 camera. I would appreciate any advice you may have to give. I don't mind spending $200-300 for something good that will last. Thanks.


Senior Member
Since you mentioned wanting something that will last, it's best to think about future requirements weight-wise as well to help narrow down the field.

With a D7000 and a 55-200mm you could get away with a 2kg max load head/legs combo and still have fairly decent support. However if you are looking at heavier bodies/lenses in the future, a 70-200mm VR f2.8 is nearing 1.5kg on it's own.

To get the best stability out of your tripod it's usually best to not load it up around the limit as well. There can be some benefit stability-wise to using a heavier-rated head too. It's something a lot of people have different opinions on and will vary on the gear you are using - long telephotos tend to need good quality support a little more though.


Senior Member
I've been looking at these too... man does it suck. There are so many options out there. I know Manfroto tripods are really good, and Arca Swiss heads are good... but super expensive. A few people on here said Dolica ones, and I think that's the brand I'm going to look into. They've gotten a lot of good reviews, and aren't that expensive. I know a few people on here have them.


Gear Head
Since you mentioned wanting something that will last, it's best to think about future requirements weight-wise as well to help narrow down the field.

With a D7000 and a 55-200mm you could get away with a 2kg max load head/legs combo and still have fairly decent support. However if you are looking at heavier bodies/lenses in the future, a 70-200mm VR f2.8 is nearing 1.5kg on it's own.

To get the best stability out of your tripod it's usually best to not load it up around the limit as well. There can be some benefit stability-wise to using a heavier-rated head too. It's something a lot of people have different opinions on and will vary on the gear you are using - long telephotos tend to need good quality support a little more though.

Things to consider:

Your height
Heaviest equipment to be supported including flash or any future upgrades
Alloy or carbon fiber

Induro are suitable alternative options. induro: Electronics

or Sirui,electronics,496&rh=n:172282,k:sirui
The ballheads are also expensive and getting a good one right the first time is very important. Try considering Markins.
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