What did I miss? Haha


Senior Member
Went MIA for a loooooong time besides life taking over, learning that my dad got lung cancer ~ march/april and that it was basically too late to do anything (and thanks to misdiagnosis my multiple excuses for doctors and such) and his inevitable passing Aug 12 @ 1:05PM.

(and for some reason image upload isn't working, sooooo)

That aside finally upgarded my workhorse to a low miles 2013 BRZ Limited.

All that aside, work has been treating me well and I'm probably ready and willing to take the next step up via advertisements and possibly weddings.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
I am so sorry for your loss.
I went through that last year with my Dad, and I still haven't recovered. His condition was mismanaged by multiple people. He didn't have cancer, but his lack of eating wasn't addressed by the physicians when he was in the hospital. It went downhill from there.

I hope things get better for you soon.


Senior Member
Sorry to hear about your Dad. Mine passed 5 years ago this October with lung cancer as well. You do not get over it, but you do get through it. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry for your loss, take your time to let the grief pass through, don't fight it, jus let it be. When one pushes it away, it comes back to haunt later. Like everything in life, grief has a life of it's own and it eventually dies.

Death is something that will happen to all of us. Will we be thinking about cameras on the last days of our lives, I hope not.