Just curious...

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Near the top of the adds you shoulds see a double blue arrow click it

That just collapses the entire right panels... Some folks use the New Threads and New Posts panel to see what's new since their last visit. Contributors aren't supposed to jump thru hoops to avoid Ads... That's one of the features of being a paid contributor... If it's not working, something else is probably not working. If that feature has been changed...then the folks that Contribute need to understand that.

It's not a big point...


Senior Member
I haven't seen any ads pop up yet, but then I keep the right panel collapsed all the time anyway (if that's where's it showing). I'll keep an eye out for it though.


Staff member
Super Mod
That just collapses the entire right panels... Some folks use the New Threads and New Posts panel to see what's new since their last visit. Contributors aren't supposed to jump thru hoops to avoid Ads... That's one of the features of being a paid contributor... If it's not working, something else is probably not working. If that feature has been changed...then the folks that Contribute need to understand that.

It's not a big point...

I haven't seen any ads pop up yet, but then I keep the right panel collapsed all the time anyway (if that's where's it showing). I'll keep an eye out for it though.

I keep the right panel collapsed, too, and don't see anything with Chrome or Firefox. What browser are you using, Fred? I just turned off Ad Block Plus but still don't see any ads.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I'm using Safari on an iMac...

I'm gonna turn OFF the Ad Blockers to see if it's still showing ads...

Yup... Turned OFF all ad blocking, and the ads appear in the right panel... T-Mobile, and some mentor program of Annie Liebowitz that got panned as a waste of money.
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