The Acid Test: First 'seriousl' roll of 120 through the ol' Kodak 3A Camera.


Senior Member
OK, so my 122-to-120 conversion of my ol' Kodak 3A Folding Pocket Camera is complete. Last thing to do was to verify the focus scale next to the rail was accurate. It was WAY off. So I corrected it by putting some wax paper in the film gate and opening the shutter to focus on a subject exactly 25' away, with the camera's focus scale set to 25'.

After I got that done, the sun broke out and it was a perfect day to go try it out. Just hung the film up to dry.


Framing is off, but that can be corrected. Once I figure out how many turns of the advance knob per frame, I should be able to squeeze 9 frames of 6x7 out of a roll of 120. Now to let it dry and check for focus & sharpness.