Is it Ham or is it Bacon?


Senior Member
My background as a Rhodesian is heavily influenced by English tradition. Is that good or bad? I have no idea - it just is.

The other day someone asked if I had eaten my eggs with Ham (I think it was Chris aka @sonicbuffalo ) which is a very American thing.
So my question to you GI Joes out there (or on here) is this:

Are they the same thing?

To me, with my background, ham is a thicker cut of pork where as bacon is usually very thin.

Post your pig shots! Or portions of the pig.


Senior Member
To me, those are two very different things!

Ham is meat, cut from the hind leg of the pig and processed in various ways. Cured, smoked, salted and/or boiled.

Bacon is cut from the side of the pig and is salted and sometimes smoked.

Both are very tasty - with or without eggs ;)

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Both are very tasty - with or without eggs ;)


Senior Member
But I believe Canadian bacon is ham! Lol :)

The only thing I can add to this topic, is for the last couple days I've been devouring a large bone in ham! No kidding either! :D
Though I do admit sharing some with my little puppy, who happens to love ham! Though I think she loves chicken more! Lol :D


Senior Member
OK as I thought there is a difference.

Sadly my naturopath advised that pork is not something my system is fond of (WTF does he know?) so I don't eat as much bacon as I would like to.

There is something really special about the smell of bacon frying in the pan.

This was NOT a good topic to start early in the morning with no bacon in the house


Senior Member
Here is something funny for ya buddy! I can't eat any other pork except bacon or ham that has been cured. Otherwise I get very sick. But it all smells good when it's cooking.

So pork doesn't agree with my body either, unless it's ham or bacon! Lol :D

OK as I thought there is a difference.

Sadly my naturopath advised that pork is not something my system is fond of (WTF does he know?) so I don't eat as much bacon as I would like to.

There is something really special about the smell of bacon frying in the pan.

This was NOT a good topic to start early in the morning with no bacon in the house

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member
Sadly my naturopath advised that pork is not something my system is fond of (WTF does he know?) so I don't eat as much bacon as I would like to.
HA! Who CAN eat as much bacon as they would like? In all seriousness, I don't really eat pork either (tasty as it is) and your Naturopath is probably advising you against pork products generally speaking which I too would consider good advice.

Still, bacon. I mean... My GAWD, I'm only human!!



Senior Member
It's interesting how we all have different cultures and different habits, tastes and interests. When I first got to New Zealand (15 years ago) everyone was raving on about the bacon here but for me it has never matched or come close to bacon from "back home" - I suspect that is a deeply ingrained memory association.

I mean seriously what could be better than being called in from playing with your big brother on a 5,000 acre farm to "Come and have breakfast" by the best cook and most loving cook in the world (may she rest in peace for all eternity - miss you mom)?

And here I am eating oat porridge for breakfast. Grrrr….


Staff member
Super Mod
I asked if you had ham with your green eggs. I was referring to the Dr. Seuss book, Green Eggs and Ham.