Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine and Coast Guard Vets


Staff member
Super Mod
Thanks to all of you!! Same for those serving our country right now!!

Enjoy your Day!!

I know it's a day early, but I might not get up early tomorrow.


Senior Member
Yes Thank you so much for your service! I hope you'll have a wonderful day too! :D And thank you Marilynne for starting this thread my friend! :D


Senior Member
Excuse me! Hauling this back to photography: lest we forget ...


Took this in the summer and have been holding it for Remembrance Day.


Senior Member
A big ThankYou to all who have served, and all still serving.

​The 11th hour has just passed here, a service was held across the road from my shop at the local Anzac Park. Was good to see all the local school kids there.


Senior Member
Here is a before and after; Leo and I kept in touch after the service by snail mail, phone calls and emails. I was so close to meet him when I was on staff at a Wood Badge that was really a few miles from his home but after 12 days at camp. Yes the staff is there for 12 days we had to clean up the area I was tired and just wanted to come home to Erie. I was just south of State College and Leo lived in Port Matilda. Anyway a couple years later he and his wife made it to Erie. Here is the card I made for him. The before is about June of 1967 when I had hair.
Lou Cioccio