Google Art Project - Photography


Senior Member
Thanks, Barbara, it *was* worth "cruising around".

As a non-reader of directions and maps, I didn't notice that I could enlarge the photos with my mouse wheel, and also hold down left button and move around in the photo until I was half way through the group of images...for me that was pretty quick on the "catching-on" to what I could do. Noticed a lot of other stuff I could probably do, but I got wore out just doing the enlarging and moving. (Used Firefox for the link)

Awesome images.

Did have a thought that very few of these images would pass muster through today's "pixel peepers" and "soft edge", etc., etc., photographers who possess the 56 gazilliion mega pixel cameras. (That was an attempt at biting humour, folks.)
LOL a lot. :witless:

In an article on the Web site, they posted a link to the "Google Art Project." Very interesting. Definitely worth cruising around.


Senior Member
I sometimes, maybe often, think that people lose sight of one aspect of photography: to tell a story or record an event. I agree, people worry too much about MEGA-megapixels and miss the image in front of them. Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed perusing the images there. I really enjoyed it. Plus, if you go to galleries, there are many other exhibits and museums that have images of some of their collections available.


The Dude
Thanks, that's very cool. I'm not in love with the navigation scheme they've set this up with but I do like the images.
I sometimes, maybe often, think that people lose sight of one aspect of photography: to tell a story or record an event. I agree, people worry too much about MEGA-megapixels and miss the image in front of them.

You are so right. My favorite people in this forum are the ones that tell us what they were doing / where they were or what they were thinking. A really good photograph is one that makes you want to know/see more.