Found interesting facts about my Manfrotto tripod...


Senior Member
Ever since I picked up this tripod, I've always been curious about it's true model name, since it doesn't have any etched markings on it, denoting model or serial number. Two days ago, I got hold of the Senior Product Manager of Gentec International, the sole distributors of Manfrotto products in Canada. It just so happens that Mr. Gautier owned the exact same one I had as his first tripod! I had sent him detailed photos of the tripod, and he replied with this:

This is the Manfrotto 055CL Classic Pro tripod, circa 1977 - 1982.
Height is about 64", max weight load is 15.4 lbs/7kg.

At least now I know how old it is, how good it is, and the actual model number! I'll NEVER sell this thing! :)


Great find Jack, love hearing cool stories like this, you know what they say its the having the right tripod that makes the photographer.