Newbie from Nebraska


New member
Hello everyone. Im new to the site and have had a Nikon D3200 for about 5 months now. What I got when I bought the camera was...the body, a AF-S Nikkor 18-55mm 1:3.5-5.6G lens, zAF-S Nikkor 55-300mm 1:4.5-5.6 GED lens and I recently purchased a AF-S nikkor 35mm 1:1.8G lens. I have used all of them, but have really kept to the 35mm lately.

Anyways, a little back ground. I always loved photography, just never took the plunge per say. Art is a big part of my life and now having a camera and some editing software (photoshop CS4) at my disposal, I wish I would have done this years ago. I know that there is a ton to learn. I sit up late watching youtube videos on do's or don'ts. Beginner vids, filter type vids and so on. But even after watching those, I still have ton to learn, which brings me here.

So far Im learing the camera pretty well. Starting to switch from auto to manual. Still in that back n forth stage when Im not sure what to do per say. Still shooting in JPEC. But as I read up more on shooting in RAW, ill be making the switch. As for now, Im just wanting to learn the camera to its full potential, then focus on buying better lenses and pushing forward with this new found and very addicting hobby.

Aside from photography, Im a motorcycle nut. Mainly vintage bike or Ducatis of any year. I have 75 FLH and a 2001 Ducati 996R. Cars are a big passion as well, but being they were my carrier field for many years, I am just not into them as I use to be. Anyways, Seen the site and thought I would say hello and see what there is to offer and hopefully be able to return the favor of help someday to another person new to photography.

Sorry for any grammar errors, its late here and Im a bit tired.


Senior Member
Welcome to Nikonites, ducky. Hope you enjoy it here as much as the rest of us. :)
If you would fill out the rest of your profile, it helps us help you with any questions you might have. Have fun. :)
Now lets see some photos.

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.
