My daughter is out taking pictures


Senior Member
As I have alluded to recently, my wife has had some health issues recently, and right now requires a good bit of care. This has interfered with my daughter and I making photo trips together for the last couple months. My wife is now home from a rehab facility (no, not that kind of rehab), finally, and we have gotten into a routine. Weather was nice today and so we planned for my daughter to go to Magnolia Plantation and Gardens here in Charleston. We both enjoy the trips together, but she really enjoys taking pictures, so this beats both of us sitting at home.

I'm looking forward to seeing what she gets. Perhaps she will let me post a few, and yes, they will be taken with a Nikon. She has a D5600 that seems to suit her.

I'll post a couple I had taken there earlier this year.

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Senior Member
Those are lovely pictures, and I'm sure an outing to such a beautiful place with your daughter will give at least some measure of succor. I'm sure the stress is considerable for all involved.My best for your wife's continuing improvement, I do hope she's on a road to eventual recovery.


Senior Member
Those are lovely pictures, and I'm sure an outing to such a beautiful place with your daughter will give at least some measure of succor. I'm sure the stress is considerable for all involved.My best for your wife's continuing improvement, I do hope she's on a road to eventual recovery.

Well, I wish it was both of us going together. Like I said, I really enjoy our outings together. One of us has to be here with my wife, so I let her go and have a good time. I will enjoy it vicariously.

I just got a text from her. She's having a great time, is now on the little excursion boat they run through one of the old rice fields. Says she's pretty sure she got some good heron pics, and they were coming up on some big gators. There can be a lot of great wildlife opportunities there.

This is one I took there last fall.



Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry to hear about your wife's health issues. Glad she's home now. We'll keep her in our daily prayers.


Senior Member
Well, I just got through looking at all the pictures she got today. She got some good ones I think. The birds were very cooperative, and she managed to get some extreme closeups of a heron fishing, and even a couple in flight. It was mostly overcast, so most of her shots were nicely saturated without blowing out highlights, or too deep shadows. Even a couple gators got out and posed for her.

I was happy she had a good day out. She agreed to let me post a few after she gets through processing them. That probably won't be for a day or so. I'll post them when she finishes them. Dad like to show off her work and brag a little.


Staff member
Super Mod
It's amazing that you and your daughter share the wonderful passion of photography! What a great way to spend quality time together. And even when you aren't literally together - the images bond you across the distance. My dad passed when I was 35. I wish he and I had shared a mutual interest. Kudos for raising such a terrific child who has grown into a mature young lady. And prayers for your wife's health as well as for you and your daughter as you navigate this stretch of your life's journey.


Senior Member
It has truly been a blessing to be able to spend quality time together with her in a shared passion. I tried hard when she was growing up to spend quality time with her. It was difficult, as I worked shift work most of my career, and for a long time I was in the Reserves, which took away even more time. Still it allowed me to earn enough to be able to afford for my wife to stay home with her and keep her involved in different activities. Fortunately, she never tired of spending time with dad. When she was younger, we ended up doing a lot of things that dads do with their sons, camping, fishing, even model rocketry. On the other hand, I sat through my share of movies like "My Little Pony" and "Rainbow Bright". All worth it in the end.