When a Photographing Papa pitch hits for the babysitter


Senior Member
My daughter calls Sunday - my sitter is sick - I can't find anyone else - can you come and babysit? After all it is only a seven hour drive .... and I was heading that way anyway, just not that soon. SO drop everything, throw some clothes in a bag and hit the road, after packing my photo gear of course. (dang in my haste I left my off camera flash trigger so all shots with camera mounted flash).

Looked for 'post your snapshots' but didn't see a place for these, most common of photo's.

All shot with D610, Tamron 24-70, Nikon SB 700 TTL on camera. PP in Corel

NK 1.jpg
My grandson took my coffee mug, and would not give it back . . . no he did not get any coffee - it snaps shut pretty tightly.

NK 2.jpg
this is camera tag ---- she runs I shoots

NK 3.jpg
stop shooting Papa

NK 4.jpg
NK 5.jpg
He's just one this past Feb - and loves to pose.

NK 6.jpg
Three years old and manages an iPad better than her Papa