Focus ring on AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR


Senior Member
Can anyone tell me whether the focus ring on this Nikon lens should have a hard stop at the ends of its range?

My camera had a bit of a fall at the end of the year :( which has caused some serious problems. I'm waiting for Nikon service centres to open after the holidays but if possible would like to know if both camera and the lens have problems. It's my only lens so I can't compare with another. I first notice a problem with autofocus which is way off and tried to correct manually. In the past I've only had to make minor adjustments and don't remember if I've ever reached the end of the range where I'd expect the movement to stop. At the moment it doesn't (although there is a slight change in the feel of the rotation when I go past the end of the range) and I'd like to know if this is normal.

If this is normal the both of the other problems (autofocus and totally black photos) could be the camera and the lens may be fine. Since I think Nikon would count the lens and the body separately I don't want to end up paying for two products to be checked if I only need to send one.


Senior Member
Do you have access to a brick and mortar camera store? If so you should be able to test both on their equipment. If not, (or the store wont help you out) see if there is a local photography club that supports Nikon. You should be able to try out one of their bodies and/or lenses.


Senior Member
Thank you for the quick reply.
Yes, I can get to a camera shop. They're usually very helpful there but focussed on sales so may just expect me to book the check-up and repair through them. I was just trying to save a little time. I live close enough to the Nikon service centre for it to be quicker and cheaper to deliver the camera personally but it's in the opposite direction to the retail outlets I know so I would be able to go to both on the same day. I've never sent anything to Nikon for repair or maintenance so have no idea whether the team who answer the phone at the service centre are knowledgeable or just deal with bookings and quotes.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I have a 28-300mm No there is NOT a definite hard stop at both ends of travel on the focus ring...You can see in the range window on the lens, the range meter has hard stops, and the focus ring changes tension, but continues to rotate...


Senior Member
Thank you for the confirmation. I thought that would probably be the case but wasn't confident. Now I'm pretty sure the lens it okay and only have to worry about what Nikon are going to charge me for what turns out to be a very firmly jammed mirror.