The Under-Appreciated Nikon 24-85/3.5-4.5G


Senior Member
Today, I visited all the historic locations in Deerfield Beach........ both of them.

The Butler House, circa 1923 (that's 1923, not 1823, 0r 1723. 1923.)

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The old Deerfield Beach School House, circa 1920.

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......and since I don't have to pay for film, I took a couple more photos of semi-interesting structures.

This is the City Hall Tower.

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This is a church. It just looked interesting.

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I've probably had this lens longer than any other lens I own.

It has never disappointed me and I'm never tempted for a 24-70/2.8.

For far less (a quarter of the cost) than the Nikon 24-70/2.8VR, it remains as one of Nikon's best bargains.