Zoe the cat - first non-auto mode portrait


Senior Member
Hello. I am new to both the forum and DSLR. I just got a D5100 today. I had a D3100 for two weeks prior but felt i wanted the D5100 more with what I think will give me a solid base to learn and grow. This is my cat Zoe. I was using a 35mm 1.8 lens and I was trying to capture a photo of her while she was calm down from her continuous rolling on her back and side. I wanted to catch her looking relaxed since she rarely is so.

i used Aperture mode with the 35mm 1.8 lens.

the room was dimly lit with a solitary floor lamp. First time I broke away from using auto mode.
In retrospect I wish the background was less busy and the room seems awfully yellow.


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Rick M

Senior Member
Welcome to the site! nice first shot! I had the D3100 for a short time and moved up to the D5100 too. It is a great camera. You can adjust the WB in post processing (as above) if it did not look right when you shot the picture. I usually leave it in auto in the camera and adjust after if I don't like it (unless using my portrait lights where I know the temp).


Senior Member
Oh muzza she looks so much more beautiful and just like her "live" self. Thank you!

I obviously have a lot to learn, but I have enjoyed even the littlest bits of learnings that I have come across so far.

My cousin (and one of my best friends) is in her first trimester and I want to get accomplished enough to take some fabulous pictures of the new baby and my other family members. I love to travel as well and I would love to go back to some of my haunts and take photos as well. In 2014, my best friend and I are doing the Inca Trail to Macchu Pichu so I definitely want to get competent!

Thanks again so glad I found the site!


Senior Member
Rick M-- I bought the D3100 on a quick whim. Everyone I knew was getting into DSLR and I saw the quality of photos they were taking. Ironically, I was always very frustrated with point and shoot cameras since my photos were always average-- although I have taken one decent photo (or at least I *liked* it) I thought in Venice with my point and shoot Panasonic. So I am hoping that in a year from now, I will have improved greatly. :)

Thanks again!
