Z9 Tracking and Pre Release questin


Senior Member
Hi all, I have a few questions for Z9 users before I buy.

I shoot a lot of wildlife I know the Z9 tracking is supposed to be good. Lets say I have a situation with 3 lions in the frame All moving around, crossing paths etc. I want to track one and not have the camera bouncing between them even if the one I want maybe goes behind another. can it do that?? (both continuous tracking/focusing and subject lock)

Also it looks like from the specs it cannot do pre release at 30fps RAW+JPEG. please confirm.

Thank you!
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New member
Maybe. There are a few different areas you can choose from to maximize your chances. Depends on light available, contrast of image, and what the ai recognizes as a face or eye. Sometimes with my Z8 I just use manual focus to see the depth of field I'm getting and know if my subject is within that range.


Senior Member
Hi all, I have a few questions for Z9 users before I buy.

I shoot a lot of wildlife I know the Z9 tracking is supposed to be good. Lets say I have a situation with 3 lions in the frame All moving around, crossing paths etc. I want to track one and not have the camera bouncing between them even if the one I want maybe goes behind another. can it do that?? (both continuous tracking/focusing and subject lock)

Also it looks like from the specs it cannot do pre release at 30fps RAW+JPEG. please confirm.

Thank you!
I would look at Steve Perry's site, Backwoods Gallery. He is a respected wildlife photographer, and I am sure you could get his answer. There is also a good chance that someone. They might have already asked that question. He also has an E-Book that he has written on the Z-9 and Z-8 focus systems that are very detailed. I have the book and used it to set up some specific settings, but I do not take the kind of photos you mention.

I am curious to hear if you get an answer.

His site is https://backcountrygallery.com/