WreckDiver1321's Daily Photos - Attempt 2!


Senior Member
So, my last thread fell by the wayside. I seriously underestimated the amount of time I would spend traveling this summer, and what sort of events would happen. Since my previous thread was kind of a failure, I hope to be a little bit better about this one. :) Part of the problem was finding the time to shoot every day, so in this one there will be less insistence on making it every single day. However, if I can get a good number of good shots every week, I'll be happy with that. Any and all comments welcome!

I'll kick it off with some event photography. Lately, I've been trying to break in to the world of concert shooting. Here's what I've come up with so far.

Bass 3 by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Drummer 2 by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Guitar 2 by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Singer close by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Drummer 3 by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Singer by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

The edits were kind of difficult, because it was hard to amp up the contrast without making the neon shirts explode off the screen.


Senior Member
are you loading the pictures larger than 1000 on the long side, if so the system then strips the data from your pictures.


Senior Member

Michael J.

Senior Member
Interesting, I moved to smaller image sizes in that last batch and the EXIF still isn't showing up. I'll post even smaller shots in this one to see if that works.

Here's some more I did within the last month.

Mining the mountains by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Disintergating mining operation by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Collapsed by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Primitive camping by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Rooftop Tent Life by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr

Great photos - WOW


Staff member
Super Mod
I really like this one. :) Link the original size file from Flickr. If you choose a different size, the EXIF won't show up. BackdoorHippie is the one who pointed that out once. (Wreckdiver1321's photo is linked below).

High mileage by wreckdiver1321, on Flickr


Senior Member
Great photos - WOW

Thanks! Much of the credit has to go to the landscape :D

I really like this one. :) Link the original size file from Flickr. If you choose a different size, the EXIF won't show up. BackdoorHippie is the one who pointed that out once. (Wreckdiver1321's photo is linked below)

Thanks, I like how it turned out. Tires make good subjects :D

Good to know that I can get the EXIF to work. This will be a slow loading thread I guess, because those are some big files!