Would like some help Please


Senior Member
Hi All

Really enjoying the D5100.....I have attached a pic and I am looking for advice on improving the image. As usual , I am the guy who has all the tools ( photoshop, Lightroom 5, google nik ) but not the skill set. Hoping to get some guidance and appreciate all the help



  • DSC_0215.jpg
    195 KB · Views: 371

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Looks like you need to study/research color correction processes... Her skin tones are way off... that might simply be a reflection of how your monitor is calibrated/ or NOT...

Moab Man

Senior Member
Good looking lady. When asking for feedback include the exif data.

1. As a general rule (remember all rules are to be broken at the right time when you understand the rule) you don't want to put your subject smack in the middle.
2. Little bit too much space behind her. There should be more space in front of her than behind her. It makes her kind of squished and leaving the photo rather than entering.
3. Coach posture. She looks to be slouching a bit. Stand up straight, little curve to the lower back, shoulders back, but not uncomfortably.
4. More bokeh (blurry background). As a ratio, she needs to be much closer to the camera and further away from the background.

There's some starter tips for you and welcome.


Senior Member
Guys .... This is exactly what I was hoping for......Your advice is "Golden " How do I correct the Greenish tint ? Could I have done something to prevent this?


Moab Man

Senior Member
Guys .... This is exactly what I was hoping for......Your advice is "Golden " How do I correct the Greenish tint ? Could I have done something to prevent this?


To correct for greenish tint (I can't comment on the color as I am on an uncalibrated monitor at the moment) you need to have you monitor calibrated so you are seeing the colors correctly. The first option, and most costly, is to get a calibrated monitor. They are great to use but pricey. Second option is a calibrator like the Spyder Pro 4. I have both a calibrated monitor and a Spyder for my other monitors. Either will help immensely.

Once you are seeing colors correctly you will then edit them in post with any number of various photo editing programs.

Datacolor Spyder4PRO Display Calibration System S4P100 B&H Photo


Happily retired
Staff member
Super Mod
I'll play with your image. First thing I find this image would have been improved is when it was actually shot. The subject could have been brought farther from the background and the lens could have used a larger f-stop. This is where a 2.8 70-200 shines, it blurs the background. And some kind of reflector or fill-in flash would have reduced the darkness or the subject's eyes.

I find that the subject could also been shot closer. I find that there are a lot of disturbing elements to the bottom, right upper corner and left side that distract the eyes of the viewers away from the eyes of the subject.

I took the liberty of taking your photo and sketching the elements I find disturbing on your original crop. Here it is with a suggested crop.

DSC_0215 2 copy.jpg

Now I did crop it, fiddled around with color balance and added some catch lights in her eyes to improve the contact to her eyes.

DSC_0215 my take.jpg

So I hope you like it and notice how your eyes will now stay right on the subject and not wonder around the distracting things around her.


Senior Member
I see that I have a lot to learn. I do like the crop and I am pleased to say that I understand your logic..I do have the lessor 18-200, me thinks I should have went with the F3.5 ..This is a great Forum !!!!
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Moab Man

Senior Member
I see that I have a lot to learn.

Don't worry, the more you know the more you realize you don't know. This is an ever growing skill-set, but always have fun. At the same time don't be afraid to try something crazy because sometimes it just works. And as long as you like it who cares what anyone else thinks.