Woody's 2015 Pics


Senior Member
This will be pretty random, but since so many people do a yearly thread, I thought I would too. I don't feel like doing the 52 assignment thing, and know I can't do every day for 365, so this will be a place to post current projects of all sorts.

We took a recent trip to Hawaii, and I am sorting through the 3000 pics I took. This is a Hawaiian Stilt, which is an endangered bird. It is considered a sub-species of the Black-necked Stilt, which can be found in North America. I took this picture while wandering through tourists sunning themselves on the beach, unaware of the beautiful bird only 40-50 yards away. I wish I had my big ol' bird lens with me (Tamron 150-600), but I made do with the "vacation" lens (Nikon 18-300).

Challenge 271 (1).jpg


Senior Member
Great start,its nice to have your own thread apart from anything else at the end of the year its easy to look back on your work.


Senior Member
Pacific Golden Plover. Not as sharp as I'd like when using the 18-300, but still I'd like to hear if you have a favorite out of this group of shots.

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Staff member
Super Mod
All good, but I like the last three best Woody. The plover kind of blends in with the background on the other shots.


Senior Member
LOL. Major auto insurance benefit after posting the gecko pics!

Marilynne, you are right about the bird blending with the background. There aren't many predators to this bird in Hawaii, but they most certainly can make themselves hard to find. :)


Senior Member
Still working on Hawaii shots. Here's some from a hike to a beautiful, remote beach area. Wild goats, stark lava fields and beautiful shoreline. I wanna' go back! :)

Constantly changing light made these shots a challenge at times.

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Senior Member
I took a break from sorting through my Hawaiian pictures, and my wife and I walked around the neighborhood lake. This gull was my favorite subject of the day. He did not like the windy conditions. :)

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