What macro/ring flash has worked the best for you?


Senior Member
My trusty 42 year old Vivitar 5000 ring flash still works as advertised but really only has 2 modes; full manual and 1 stop of automatic. I want a lot more control. I honestly don't see that much use for auto or TTL, but would like flexibility when it comes to being able to vary the manual output. Nikon's are outrageously overpriced and I just cannot justify the cost for as much use as it will get.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I Have a Viltrox JY670... There are several reviews available... They make basically two models..

The JY670, and the JY670N <-- The N model has i-ttl for Nikon as well as auto... The N model is $99, and the non-N model is about $67 on eBay...

I'm very happy with my non-N model...


Senior Member
A couple of months ago I bought a "Aputure Amaran Halo LED Ring Flash " from The Camera Store (now retails for $78 CDN - probably about $50 US) and it works for me.

DSC_8636+Amaran Ring Flash -0001 sm.jpgDSC_8651+Amaran Ring Flash -0001_2 SM.jpg

I posted it in Latest Purchases back on Jan 23rd this year.

There was a follow up post about power of the flash and I posted the results of testing it a little. see https://nikonites.com/off-topic/12528-post-your-latest-purchases-482.html#post602836

But I've not played with it since I bought it a couple of months ago - really I should play with my toys more eh?