Weekly Challenge Aug. 11 - 17: Night Time


Senior Member
Challenge Team
"Night Time" - (Catherder)'s Choice

Anything during the night time (Your night time) Ha! Let's see how creative you can be! Color, B&W, HDR...anything goes!

This early announcement of the topic is to give a little think time, before the challenge begins. Photos must be taken and submitted between 00:00 UTC of the start date and 23:59 UTC of the end date.

The Rules

1. Photos must be captured with a Nikon and appear in the thread with EXIF info in order to be considered for the challenge. If the forum EXIF viewer does not show for any reason, listing the camera and capture date/time below the photo is acceptable. Listing exposure info, lens & focal length is encouraged so others can learn.

2. Any photo submitted for a weekly challenge must be taken during the dates specified in the challenge thread.

3. Only one photo entry per member for each week, unless otherwise noted.

4. All regularly active members of Nikonites are allowed to participate, including moderators and administrators.


During the submission & like periods, please click the Thanks/Like button to vote for your favorite images. You can vote for as many as you want! At the end of the week, you will have the opportunity to vote again for the top 3 photos for this challenge!

There will be no cash or prizes awarded for the Weekly Photo Challenges, unless specifically noted by the site administrator.

Any photo will be accepted for the challenge. Edited or straight out of the camera, it does not matter. You are left with complete freedom to do whatever genre of photography you wish to do, and your own interpretation of the challenge subject.


Senior Member


Staff member
Super Mod
I got my days mixed up! Sorry about that. There's about 22.5 hours left for submissions.


Staff member
Super Mod
Submission time is over. @nikonpup - you have 23 hours 20 minutes to add the date you took this photo to your post to be included as a finalist. Sorry, although I didn't make the rules, the date needs to be added in everyone's submission just as the camera model needs to be a Nikon to be considered as a finalist.

Everyone please feel free to like the photos of your choice over the next 23 hours 20 minutes.


Senior Member
​​​​â​------the site has problems, i see no date on on cwgrizz's
post. when the new server is up and running maybe my dates will show up. i sure could have used the $1000.00 prize money.



Staff member
Super Mod
​​​​â​------the site has problems, i see no date on on cwgrizz's
post. when the new server is up and running maybe my dates will show up. i sure could have used the $1000.00 prize money.

That's why Walt enters the date manually Ron.


Staff member
Super Mod
​​​​â​------the site has problems, i see no date on on cwgrizz's
post. when the new server is up and running maybe my dates will show up. i sure could have used the $1000.00 prize money.

That's why Walt enters the date manually Ron.

The issue of not always displaying a date has been around for a while now. In the past, some members attributed it to their own editing software. Since you already are aware your dates aren't displaying properly, please type it in when you post your image so your submissions can be considered as a finalist. Walt's is listed above his photo.

Personally I do realize your frustration, Ron. I really do. But please understand there isn't anything those of us who oversee the challenges, or even any mods, can do to correct website issues. It's possible the new server won't correct all the issues. For now, the software used for Nikonites won't be getting changed, only the server. Plus there's other stuff going on in the background that isn't even visible unless specifically looking for it (or things only visible if the mods dig for them) which is why I am so heavy-handed when it comes to members posting links that serve no direct purpose to a discussion.

Once again, I'm sorry for the issues you are experiencing.