View NX 2


Senior Member
I am using NX2 and I have just noticed the Metadata Section. It shows I will need to fill in the blanks to add to my albums. Will that mean they will attach to each picture and my next question do I have to do it to each album or can I set up a default Metadata Template that will automatically be added when I add new albums/pictures???


Staff member
Super Mod
Are you using ViewNX2 to upload? If so, you can add your info on the Preferences tab.


Staff member
Super Mod
No, not the ones you have already downloaded, only the new ones..
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Senior Member
Do you know how to add the data to an album as I've tried and looks like I can only adjust individual images and not albums


Senior Member
You have to select the images, add the data and then save. The data goes to IPTC info.

Tried it and it works.


Senior Member
I believe that the focus point shown in NX2 are the one that we have set and not the actual focus point that we select by half pressing the shutter and then recomposing the frame. I distinctly remember to have pointed the the focus point at the loco in the following image while half pressing the shutter for focus lock and then recomposed the frame by moving the camera right side. Still the focus point as shown in NX2 is on right side of the frame.


Senior Member
I believe that the focus point shown in NX2 are the one that we have set and not the actual focus point that we select by half pressing the shutter and then recomposing the frame. I distinctly remember to have pointed the the focus point at the loco in the following image while half pressing the shutter for focus lock and then recomposed the frame by moving the camera right side. Still the focus point as shown in NX2 is on right side of the frame.
View attachment 160734

Correct. If you lock focus and then recompose, the camera only knows which focal point was used for the initial focal lock and not where it moved to.