Trouble uploading images

Andy W

Senior Member
Whenever I try to upload an image to my gallery or in a thread I get an "unable to reach this site" message. What am I doing wrong?


Senior Member
There's a thread ongoing about people having problem with the multi-upload tool. That tool depends on Flash, and most browsers have adding security restrictions around Flash due to the consistent security flaws with that application. Are you trying to update individually, or bulk/multiple?

Andy W

Senior Member
I was trying to upload a single image.

I just tried again and got the message "upload of file failed".
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Staff member
Super Mod
I was trying to upload a single image.

I just tried again and got the message "upload of file failed".

Have you seen this thread?

Also, Don usually posts this
Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.

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Senior Member
Challenge Team
I have been getting a little red exclamation point next to the file after upload and no image appears. It's been the same for weeks...

That's what I get too. It looks like it will upload and then at the end, the dreaded Red Exclamation Point which provides no explanation. Ha! I am using Basic Uploader one photo at a time to have any success. I'm using FF and have Flash set to Allow, but the old way just doesn't work for now.


Senior Member
That's what I get too. It looks like it will upload and then at the end, the dreaded Red Exclamation Point which provides no explanation. Ha! I am using Basic Uploader one photo at a time to have any success. I'm using FF and have Flash set to Allow, but the old way just doesn't work for now.

If you hover over the exclamation mark it should tell you what the issue is. Usually it is file size. I just tried FF and it works fine (when allowing flash). Only when the files are too large I get the exclamation mark.

I have flash disabled (ask) and only allow it when I click the link.

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