Total photography and bridge camera newbie!

Please be brutally honest!! I am a total newbie, I am wanting to photography as a hobby along with storm chasing (hence the camera....... more amazing storm pictures than a camera on an iphone).

First few days with new camera and no idea what the settings really do.................... Trying to read forums and watch youtube videos to see what does what.

Camera used: Nikon L840
EXIF is short for Exchangeable Image File. Basically it is all the information on how the photo was shot. Things like the shutter speed, aperture, ISO. Camera used, Lens used.

Your manual should tell you how to find that information..

What software are you using for post processing? You should be able to see most of the information there.


Senior Member
when you upload the pics make sure the long side (size) is 1000, otherwise i believe the site will strip the exif info.


Senior Member
this is something i do everyday but cant tell you:)

in the quick reply box click the icon 3 to the right of the smiley face, click on the computer tab and select, dig into where you have your pics stored on your PC

I have to go and upload something now to see what to do, lol, give me a minute


Senior Member
sorry mate talking trash there, that was to upload to this forum.

when you are uploading your pics via NX2 and do your changes/alterations then you click convert file, it will open up a box with the size of the file in there, i will attach a picture i took in a minute


  • 3rd Oct 2015 003.JPG
    3rd Oct 2015 003.JPG
    687.6 KB · Views: 258
Just uploading straight to my Facebook photography page and here. Never edited, only used my phone for storm chasing, this is the nicest camera I've ever had. Figured with storm chasing and meteorology school looming, plus my obsession with preservation images, I needed something better and picked this out based on my budget.

I don't know what most of the settings are just trying a few basic settings and point and shoot.

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