Topaz change their sales model??


Senior Member
within the last few years, i bought 3 different plug-ins from Topaz (adjust, simplify, star effects). at that time they were all sold as separate pieces of software that you would download, install and then would be recognized by Photoshop as plug-ins. today i saw a deal on Dehaze (20% off - $12) but after i bought it, instead of being able to download it separately on it's own as i did with the others, Topaz made me download a free (yes, free) version of Topaz Studio where the dehaze would only be available as an adjustment within Studio not as a plug-in for PS. what's up with that? is that just the way they do things now or can i still get the different adjustments as standalone plug-ins? i'd much rather have dehaze as a plug-in especially since Studio has crashed on me 3 times already just loading an image.

also, why is Studio free?

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Topaz Studio is now the plug-in... and the plug-ins are in Studio...

Topaz is certainly making it difficult... It appears they can't make a clean break, and want to now become a complete editor... and sell the individual components as plug-ins... They need to quit riding on the coattails of the big guys and either produce a stand alone RAW editor, or be a simple plug-in vendor... As a long time Topaz customer, I've sent them numerous emails to that effect with no response... If you install Studio as a plug-in, you'll probably have to re-activate/re-register the plug-ns you bought for the umpteenth time... :rolleyes:


Senior Member
Topaz Studio is now the plug-in... and the plug-ins are in Studio...

Topaz is certainly making it difficult... It appears they can't make a clean break, and want to now become a complete editor... and sell the individual components as plug-ins... They need to quit riding on the coattails of the big guys and either produce a stand alone RAW editor, or be a simple plug-in vendor... As a long time Topaz customer, I've sent them numerous emails to that effect with no response... If you install Studio as a plug-in, you'll probably have to re-activate/re-register the plug-ns you bought for the umpteenth time... :rolleyes:

funny, i've had the impression that the Topaz tools are more popular than say On1's. i have On1's Photo Raw 2018 and it's a full editor. it can run standalone and as a plug-in to PS (pieces of it at least). just odd to me that the more popular tool hasn't been able to figure that out yet.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
couple of thoughts...

1. Topaz Systems Inc. is a closely, privately held corporation since 1999

That generally translates into a single down-stream management process... "I own it, and we'll do it my way, and I don't care what or how you think it should be done."

2. Topaz does $50M a year... and their Adobe/photo software is NOT the company's main product or focus... Topaz has been involved in electronic signature acquisition/storage/recognition tools that get integrated with other folk's software, as well as an electronic signature hardware solution...

Their relationship with Adobe's "pluggin" methodologies was a natural integration exercise, as well as their signature recognition and graphics folks creating software as a source of additional revenue...

IOW, their relationship with photographers as a RAW editor engine and software company may indeed be number 20 on the list of Top 10 Corporate priorities for Topaz...:unconscious:


Senior Member
Just a thought, but given that Topaz has managed a suite of over 20 plug-ins for a while, and given that the CC model for Adobe has resulted in a round robin for multiple products of "how do I get this XYZ to work with the new version of Ps CC?" it makes some sense to have a single interface with the Adobe products with each filter still working within it than it is to have to manage potential issues with each of them individually.

I've used a couple Topaz products in the past and had been tempted to get Texture Effects for a while as I've been delving into more of that style (i.e. "fine art") of post processing. A friend I've been tutoring on Ps wanted to do something similar so I decided to take a hard look at Texture Effects since they offer a 30 day trial. This is when I learned about the whole Studio thing. It's free so I said I decided what the heck, let's take a look, and I was surprised at what is offered for free in the package, including a large number of textured effects. Without paying for the "Pro" version they offer limited to no editing parameters other than blend mode and opacity, but if you use one filter at a time it's possible to tweak them in Ps. Again, you can download a 30 day free trial of the Pro filters so you can see what you're going to get.

For giggles I went thru the 21 available "Pro" filters and asked myself how many of them offer me something that I can't do in Photoshop, and given that they are offering a lifetime update of all of them as a package for just over $200 I wanted to see if those that would be worth buying, when purchased individually, would be worth forking up the price for all of them. Truth be told only a couple of these are unique to Topaz (Abstraction, Glow, Impression) with the rest either being restatements of other Ps functions or some simplification of a process that can be accomplished equally well in Ps if you know your layering tools and blend modes. I already own Impression and Glow, and will likely purchase Texture Effects only because it simplifies the application of textures with previews instead of having to do some guesswork regarding what might work with a given image.

I'm a dyed in the wool Ps guy and look at these other things for only what they'll give me that I don't have. Topaz, to me, is a tool that allows folks who aren't quite sure what they want to do with an image the opportunity to run thru a ton of preset previews that might inspire some level of additional creativity. I'm not that guy but there are times when I'm just not sure where to go with something and that's where Topaz has occasionally helped me. What I like about them is that they have the lifetime free update deal, and any filters that you've purchased already are free upgrades into Studio. The question is will Topaz one day go the direction of Nik where they're purchased and the upgrade model disappears as another company decides to redesign it and resell it?