Think Black Line. Broken


New member
Hey Guys,

So I pulled my D800 out after a few months of inactivity due to work and snapped a few photos and noticed a thin black line across the top of the photos. I know the camera is due for a clean being shut away for a few months but this couldn't just be a dirty sensor/lens could it? I included 3 test strips from the top of 3 photos

Untitled 2.jpg

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Senior Member
It would be nice to see the complete images,to be honest these could just be parts of the original image with something in them.
Its always best to offer us too much rather than not enough.

Welcome to the forum


New member

I have attached 3 images below. One is a quick snap showing how it seems to move around. The second image (fainter black line) is taken with 1/250 shutter speed, the second white test image was taken with a 4" shutter speed.



New member
Apparently the image uploader stopped working - but the missing photo shows the same as the other white test strip except it is clearly fainter when shot with a shorter shutter speed.


Happily retired
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Super Mod
I'm certainly not a camera technician, but I think there must be something that got loose inside your camera that is obstructing the sensor. Maybe a bit of foam or the double sided tape that is supposed to trap the dust in the bottom. Since the line is on top of your pictures, the culprit is in the bottom of the sensor.

You should send these example photos to Nikon service center where they probably will ask you to send the camera in for a repair.

Whatever comes out of it, please keep us informed to that if this ever happens to someone else we could advise.

Thanks for posting.


New member
I started getting exactly the same line on the top of the photo left side. First i thought that it was a tree and when I tried in my house, i realized it i cleaned the mirror using the brush
Will post the pictures tomorrow


Staff member
Super Mod
I started getting exactly the same line on the top of the photo left side. First i thought that it was a tree and when I tried in my house, i realized it i cleaned the mirror using the brush
Will post the pictures tomorrow


You might want to start a 365/daily thread here

Also, please feel free to introduce yourself here -

Guidelines to adding a photo to your post.

1. Resize photo to 1000px on the long side.
2. Resolution set to 72ppi (Pixels Per Inch)

These guidelines will be good for viewing on a computer but will not be good for printing. This will help safeguard your copyright.


Senior Member
Welcome aboard jrkarra64, enjoy the ride. We look forward to seeing more posts and samples of your work. You also realize that the original post is from 2014!
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Senior Member
I would normally say, Welcome aboard callumduffy, enjoy the ride. We look forward to seeing more posts and samples of your work. However, since they posted three times in 2014, and nothing since, plus we don't know if they resolved their issue, I think I will pass!


Staff member
Super Mod
I started getting exactly the same line on the top of the photo left side. First i thought that it was a tree and when I tried in my house, i realized it i cleaned the mirror using the brush
Will post the pictures tomorrow

I see you tried to create a new thread. You need to sign in before the thread will be created.