Thanks/Any Advice?


New member
Hello all,
It has been a little over 5 months since I last came on this forum for help with my first moon pictures. I would like to thank everyone who helped and gave feedback, as this sparked my interest in photography. I’ve really enjoyed taking pictures of random things over the last 5 months. Attached is an Imgur link to some of my favorite pictures I’ve taken. Feedback on those would be appreciated also.
One more question: how do I find inspiration for what to take pictures of? I see all of these pictures other people take on the internet and they look so cool, but usually are random. Do I just walk around with a camera and take pictures of things that look interesting? What do you do?
Once again, thanks to all.


Senior Member
Challenge Team
I’ve really enjoyed taking pictures of random things over the last 5 months.

So why not continue?

One more question: how do I find inspiration for what to take pictures of?

You might join in for the weekly challenge and monthly assignments this will give you a subject, but you interpret it with a picture. You may also find inspiration in art. What were some of your favorite things to do before photography, maybe that could be a subject.

Do I just walk around with a camera and take pictures of things that look interesting?

Why not? Some people find something or type of photography they like and concentrate on that, like street, landscape and bird.

What do you do?

Sometimes I have a plan like sunrise at a pier or lighthouse. Other times I just go to a park or a walk and see what I find.


Staff member
Super Mod
I have three nature/wildlife parks I like to frequent. I always have a camera with me in case something catches my eye while out and about.


Senior Member
If you are like most of us, you will discover you have an interest in either one or several niches within photography. That will guide you to good places to explore those niches. One thing that may help is to join a local photography club. My daughter and I recently joined the Carolina Nature Photographer's Association. The local group has monthly outings to a variety of places. Between the info from the meetings, and going on the outings, the number of spots we go shooting has increased dramatically.


Senior Member
Hello all,
... I see all of these pictures other people take on the internet and they look so cool, but usually are random. ...
I see the pictures you took and posted they are pretty good, interesting, and "cool". I think you are there and start to shine. Continue and be better.(y)

BF Hammer

Senior Member
There is certainly no problem with continuing what you have done and look for opportunities. You have all the time in the world to find subjects that bring out your best effort.

It's not only about what you find interesting. If that were the case, I would be taking a lot of art-nude sets. But I'm far too socially awkward to converse with a model and put her at ease. LOL

I can't say I had a particular interest in astronomy subjects other than the moon for a long time. On Youtube I saw what 1 person was doing with a Nikon Coolpix P1000 taking video of Jupiter and Saturn from within an urban area. I just was inspired to put my longest lens on my camera and try. I aimed at Jupiter, then zoomed all the way in with the LiveView. I then saw the 4 Galilean moons on the screen and I instantly wanted to do more and better. A month later I captured the rings around Saturn and was hooked. No telescope, just a 150-600mm zoom lens and tripod.

I got back into photography during the mid-2000's due to my activity with geocaching. I started taking photos of my excursions and posting in a blog. Eventually I grew to dislike how geocaching was evolving so it just became a hiking for landscape photos thing. Then later medications ruined my ankles and knees, so the hiking is a thing of the past now. I still like doing landscapes. It tends to be at parks I drive by during my workday.

2022 and 2023 I took a lot of photos of wind turbines and farm-related things. Basically it was stuff I noticed as I drove for work and made a mental note where I could stop when I was by again with a camera. I usually don't search out things, but I keep my head on a swivel looking around me when I drive on country roads. There is even a specific tree I've noticed in an industrial park lot that I kept in mind for nearly 8 years before I returned to the area for a job one morning with freezing fog coating everything with ice. I made a side trip and had my camera to take pictures. I have it in mind still, it waits for a correct foggy morning using an ultra-wide angle lens I since bought.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
If you are looking at all kinds of images on the internet, then what you see will appear random. If you want inspiration, find a couple photographers that you like, and look at their body of work.
We have lots of subjects on the site here, see what you find yourself clicking on.