Swimming pool poses


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For the past couple of years, I've been making wall calendars as a church fund raiser and include a variety of activities. Next Sunday (22nd) the church is hosting a pool party for the kids. I think it will be held at someone's house so there shouldn't be any issue with taking photos of the kids--the parents sign photography release forms anyway.

The thing is I don't swim and am not knowledgeable on pool activities. There are two specific areas where I can use some suggestions:

1. How to use discretion for adults who don't want to be photographed in bathing suits. This would involve cover ups or discretely placing kids or objects in front of them. Any suggestions on what to use or how to place people who don't want photos in bathing suits would be appreciated. Tight shots is the only other thing I can come up with.

2. Fun photos. Obviously I don't know what types of games kids play in the pool. I'm thinking of getting all the kids in a group in the middle of the pool and have everyone splash lots of water (while I am a safe distance away with a LONG lens). ;) Getting tight shots of their faces at the edge of the pool. Any suggestions on how to incorporate pool noodles--what the heck are they used for anyway Other fun photo suggestions would be appreciated as well as any suggestions overall.

Please feel free to show your ideas. Any helpful hints and tips will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! :)



Senior Member
Challenge Team
Kids jumping in to the pool if timed well could show them partially in the water with a splash. Maybe jousting with pool noodles.

Andy W

Senior Member
"How to use discretion for adults who don't want to be photographed in bathing suits."

We've gotten some decent pictures of non swimming parents sitting by the pool while watching their kids. Robin has gotten some great head shots of kids standing in the pool. With all of the splashing, jumping and general horsing around, there will be a lot of opportunities for some great shots.


Happily retired
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Super Mod
You could focus on pool accessories in focus keeping humans out of focus in the background. It conveys atmosphere more than particular individuals.


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Super Mod
Yesterday was the pool party for my church's Youth Group. There weren't many kids there, maybe 7-10 kids total, so it wasn't a problem. One kid was doing somersaults off the diving board, but since one of the adults asked him to stop, I didn't want to give them those images. The pool wasn't too deep so safety was a concern. I took a few photos of them floating in inflatable things, too. Only one adult was dressed in a bathing suit so that wasn't even an issue. Overall it went well.

Although I left my 85mm in the car, my 24-70mm wasn't always long enough. Since I didn't know what the environment would be like ahead of time, I chose not to take much gear. A little cropping goes a long way. ;)

Thanks for the suggestions. :)