Steve Perry Hospitalized with COVID

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Senior Member
I know a lot of you are fans of Steve Perry's wildlife photography and videos. I was just on his forum and saw this post from Wednesday from his wife...

Steve wanted me to give you an update from the hospital. He is in the ICU, and on high flow oxygen. He has had a round Remdesivir, antibiotics and steroids for his lung. They have lowered his oxygen today. The lung doctor says if we can get him to Friday and then he shouldn't need the ventilator. He has been on his stomach since yesterday and he is showing a big improvement. He is now able to be on the phone with me without getting winded! He is saying he is starting to feel better, which is the first time since this has all started. We are both very cautiously optimistic on him finally turning the corner on this virus. We both want to say THANK YOU for keeping us in your prayers. ~ Steve and Rose

I figured I'd let you all know in case you're of a mind to send up a prayer for his recovery.


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Super Mod
Thanks for letting us know, Jake. He's definitely an amazing educator - prayers and positive thoughts for his full recovery.


Senior Member
I hope the World can rid this virus in the near future as it has caused so much heartache and devastation. Irrespective of people's thoughts on vaccines, its seems to been having a very positive impact in the UK with cases and deaths falling dramatically since the role out.
Obviously the vaccine is no use for those currently suffering from covid, but I am sure we all hope to see a healthy Steve Perry back on our screens soon.


Senior Member
Thanks, Jake. I hadn't been to his forum in a couple of days, so I appreciate your post. Here's hoping his recovery is swift and complete.


Senior Member
Obviously the vaccine is no use for those currently suffering from covid...

Current sufferers, no. But one of the most heartening things I've heard is that for those "long haulers", who have had lingering issues long after Covid-19 is gone, word is that the vaccine has alleviated or even eliminated those effects. So yeah, when you can, get a vaccine.


Senior Member
Current sufferers, no. But one of the most heartening things I've heard is that for those "long haulers", who have had lingering issues long after Covid-19 is gone, word is that the vaccine has alleviated or even eliminated those effects. So yeah, when you can, get a vaccine.

That is very interesting as I have a friend who is still suffering long term covid symptoms 11 months after he was diagnosed. Do you happen to have any links that discuss this so I could show him?


Senior Member
That is very interesting as I have a friend who is still suffering long term covid symptoms 11 months after he was diagnosed. Do you happen to have any links that discuss this so I could show him?

I just did a Google search on this and found a few recent articles regarding the vaccine helping with some cases of long covid. Surprisingly there has been no mention of this in the U.K. media that I have seen. Good to know though and hopefully it can help sufferers.
Thanks @BackdoorArts for mentioning this as I will inform my friend who has been a bit depressed about his current condition.


Senior Member
That is very interesting as I have a friend who is still suffering long term covid symptoms 11 months after he was diagnosed. Do you happen to have any links that discuss this so I could show him?

I've only heard it anecdotally from healthcare professionals on podcasts. This is the closest I can come to something, but it also states "anecdotal evidence". Still, it's hopeful.


Senior Member
On Wednesday, Steve's wife, Rose, posted that Steve is home from the hospital. Let's hope he has a complete recovery and is soon back to his old ways of photography education and mentoring!

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Senior Member
I am sure he will be fine, disregard 95% of the "Covidiocy" you hear and read in our agenda driven "media", this virus has a mortality rate of 0.9%, far less than either influenza A or B and it is mostly elderly people and people with compromised immune systems (for many different reasons) who die. I am a retired Clinical Microbiologist and never in my 2+ decade long career have I seen a bigger sh*tshow than I have seen with this "pandemic".


Senior Member
I am sure he will be fine, disregard 95% of the "Covidiocy" you hear and read in our agenda driven "media", this virus has a mortality rate of 0.9%, far less than either influenza A or B and it is mostly elderly people and people with compromised immune systems (for many different reasons) who die. I am a retired Clinical Microbiologist and never in my 2+ decade long career have I seen a bigger sh*tshow than I have seen with this "pandemic".

"But Dr. Fauci says...."

IMO, the most serious problem, besides the disease, is that there is a total shutdown on scientific debate over this issue. I know a health care professional with over 35 years of nursing experience who told me that almost everyone is afraid to state any theories or observations contrary to the standard line. That is just wrong. When it's over and fully vetted, it will likely be amazing that how much of what we were told and "knew" about COVID is absolutely wrong.


Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
"But Dr. Fauci says...."

IMO, the most serious problem, besides the disease, is that there is a total shutdown on scientific debate over this issue. I know a health care professional with over 35 years of nursing experience who told me that almost everyone is afraid to state any theories or observations contrary to the standard line. That is just wrong. When it's over and fully vetted, it will likely be amazing that how much of what we were told and "knew" about COVID was a deliberate lie.


I fixed your statement for you...


Senior Member
"But Dr. Fauci says...."

IMO, the most serious problem, besides the disease, is that there is a total shutdown on scientific debate over this issue. I know a health care professional with over 35 years of nursing experience who told me that almost everyone is afraid to state any theories or observations contrary to the standard line. That is just wrong. When it's over and fully vetted, it will likely be amazing that how much of what we were told and "knew" about COVID is absolutely wrong.

Fauci is an IDIOT in need of a village.


Senior Member
All being said, from his latest post, Steve Perry was in really bad shape in the ICU for a while and barely avoided intubation and ventilation, but was on high-flow oxygen for some time. He is now at home, but requires oxygen and has little of his strength left. It looks like he has a long road to full recovery, but I wish him the best and look forward to his full participation in this internet-based photography world.
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