Special pic from yesterday.


Senior Member
So yesterday in Perth it was a scorcher - 38 c (100 F). Weddings on days like this are always challenging. I take around 10 litres of water with me and pretty much all of it goes after a day of shooting plus the water I drink at the reception. Yesterday was no exception. Seriously hot. But late in the evening the most wonderful thing happened. Some storm clouds appeared and we were treated to a wonderful light show of lightning.

I grabbed the bride and groom and we headed outside.

I set my camera on my tripod with cable release on ISO 100, F11 and Bulb shutter speed. My flash was on 1/2 power rear sync.

I asked the bride and groom to stand as still as they possibly could. I knew the flash would freeze them ok, but I didn't want too much ghosting. I then held the shutter open and hoped for some flashes during the 15 - 20 seconds the shutter was open for. Managed to get this one that I was pretty pleased with without having to do anything with it. I got lots of others, but there is some movement and blur I am going to have to try and fix up.

But yeah - I was pretty stoked with this.

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Senior Member
So this is why I can't get a decent lightening shot. I need a bride and a groom.:)

Excellent idea for a shot @kevy73. . You're innovativeness is second to none.
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Senior Member
The problem i see is when there friends book you because of this shot you will be expected to better it :D and thats not going to be easy.


Staff member
Super Mod
This is awesome! Kudos for taking the initiative AND for pulling it off! :)


Senior Member
So yesterday in Perth it was a scorcher - 38 c (100 F). Weddings on days like this are always challenging. I take around 10 litres of water with me and pretty much all of it goes after a day of shooting plus the water I drink at the reception. Yesterday was no exception. Seriously hot. But late in the evening the most wonderful thing happened. Some storm clouds appeared and we were treated to a wonderful light show if lightning.

I grabbed the bride and groom and we headed outside.

I set my camera on my tripod with cable release on ISO 100, F11 and Bulb shutter speed. My flash was on 1/2 power rear sync.

I asked the bride and groom to stand as still as they possibly could. I knew the flash would freeze them ok, but I didn't want too much ghosting. I then held the shutter open and hoped for some flashes during the 15 - 20 seconds the shutter was open for. Managed to get this one that I was pretty pleased with without having to do anything with it. I got lots of others, but there is some movement and blur I am going to have to try and fix up.

But yeah - I was pretty stoked with this.


Great image!!!


Senior Member
Couldn't you have done this with Photoshop using multiple exposures and layers? Intriguing shot, none the less; I'll bet that not many of their married friends will have something like that in their wedding album!



Senior Member
Possibly Whiskeyman, but I like getting it in camera - I don't use photoshop at all really. I have no skills in it what so ever.

It is fun challenging myself to get this insitu - and to me, that makes it that little bit more special. The bride and groom was super happy to stand there, I think they were a little in awe that I thought I could actually get it.