Sorry Folks

Kevin H

Senior Member
I've been away for many reasons

Niece Lost her baby at 4 months pregnant:mad:

Lost my dog at 11 years old

But today I became a grandpa for the first time



Senior Member
Terrible, terrible news...…….followed by some damn good news. RIP baby and Harley...…..but welcome to the world young one!!!!!!!!!! Congrats Kevin!

My sincere condolences to your niece. That is a tough loss.


Staff member
Super Mod
Kevin, I am so sorry for your losses. Both are very difficult to bear. :( I've been wondering why you've been away.

Congrats on becoming a grandfather! Get him used to the camera while he is young. Maybe he will be interested in getting behind the camera when he's a little older. Nice to see you back.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
No need to say sorry to us. You have had a lot going on. I am sorry to for your loss, but happy about your new grandbaby. Congratulations.

That is a nice urn for Harley.


Staff member
Super Mod
Sorry to hear about your niece and your puppy! Both are heartbreaking. You and your family will be in our daily prayers.

Congratulations on your new grandson.


Senior Member
I've missed having you around the forum. My deepest sympathies about your two tragedies.

CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a grandpa. That is fantastic!