So this happened...


Senior Member
Took the plunge into MF digital - exciting times ahead.

Still have the trust D4's for weddings, but during the shoot - if the conditions are right it will be fun to pull out the Blad and snap a few images...



  • i-DNX9rDv-M.jpg
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Senior Member
Congratulations!! This is a great camera, but much more than I can afford. It would be interesting if you shot the same subject with both the F4 and Hasselblad with similar lenses and posted then both so we can compare them.


Staff member
Super Mod
Wow, that isn't a name we hear about too often here! Curious if you ever used a medium format film camera for comparison? The top 3 names (at least to me) in medium format film were Hasselblad, Bronica, and Mamiya.

Nicely captured wedding photo and impressive results. When I scroll down the veil to where it is covering part of the lace dress, there is still a lot of detail in the lace itself. That detail didn't get lost in the shadows or pixel limitations of some bodies.

Looking forward to hearing (and seeing) more about this camera, Kevin! :) Have fun with it.


Senior Member
Meanwhile I'm waiting for Fuji to make their pancake and if they knock off a grand with the 50R combo, I'll probably go for that, though I really don't need another cam of any sort for a very long time.


Senior Member
Yeah serious amount of detail captured... when you consider that weddings aren't what it was designed for shooting at 2.8 in lowish light - I was super impressed.

Only other Medium Format I have used is a Mamiya RB67 Pro that I still have. Ran a heap of rolls of film through that baby.