Shutter type options?

Camera Fun

Senior Member
What shutter type setting do you find best? Auto all the time? Manually choose between Mechanical and ElectronicFCS based on the situation? Thanks.

Camera Fun

Senior Member
Full manual... If I didn't want the control, I could always buy a $50 point and shoot...:p

Wasn't sure by your answer, but I'm not referring to P, A, S, or M modes. I'm referring to the shutter modes of Auto, Mechanical shutter, or Electronic front-curtain shutter. It's d5: Shutter Type under Custom Settings.


Senior Member
Wasn't sure by your answer, but I'm not referring to P, A, S, or M modes. I'm referring to the shutter modes of Auto, Mechanical shutter, or Electronic front-curtain shutter. It's d5: Shutter Type under Custom Settings.

I use the Auto setting for this option. When it is activated it eliminates the blur sometimes caused by the front curtain shutter. Originally the Z6 came with only enable and disable choices for the front curtain activation. They added the auto choice in one of the many firmware updates. I have seen no detrimental affects from running in auto for this setting.

I would recommend auto as a starting point. I think over time you will come to find that you have forgotten you set it. My experience is that the Mechanical Shutter does function with flash and I have not had to go in and change it.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Wasn't sure by your answer, but I'm not referring to P, A, S, or M modes. I'm referring to the shutter modes of Auto, Mechanical shutter, or Electronic front-curtain shutter. It's d5: Shutter Type under Custom Settings.

Sorry...I misunderstood. That feature is only on a few newer cameras.


Senior Member
I pretty much keep my Z6 in electronic front curtain all the time except to shoot with flash and then it must be switched to mechanical front curtain. Thought I'd miss the noise, but now I find it distracting. It's one of my i menu settings.

BF Hammer

Senior Member
Mechanical shutter would mostly be preferred for fast motion photos if your photos are getting rolling shutter distortion. Things like bird wings appearing bent in weird ways or auto windshield wipers bent over like they are noodles if in motion. Otherwise electronic shutter has the advantages.


Senior Member
Mechanical shutter would mostly be preferred for fast motion photos if your photos are getting rolling shutter distortion. Things like bird wings appearing bent in weird ways or auto windshield wipers bent over like they are noodles if in motion. Otherwise electronic shutter has the advantages.

I pretty much keep my Z6 in electronic front curtain all the time except to shoot with flash and then it must be switched to mechanical front curtain. Thought I'd miss the noise, but now I find it distracting. It's one of my i menu settings.

You all have much better memories than I do. I will say that this is the one thing that I have left in auto. Everything else I do manually except occasionally I will use Auto ISO in Church because the lighting is so crazy or if I am shooting birds outside. When I use a flash It does shift to mechanical shutter. I cannot use them very often though.

Hammer I will have to say I have never experienced Rolling Shutter. I guess I do not really take many photos of fast moving stuff. But it is good to know that i could look to this setting if I experience it.

Thanks Gentlemen... Much appreciated.

Camera Fun

Senior Member
Doubt I will be taking many photos of very fast-moving subjects. Most shots will be people, objects, etc.

Q. Does the Auto option operate by using Mechanical at higher shutter speeds then switching to Electronic front curtain at lower shutter speeds?

Q. Is there a certain shutter speed (and below) at which electronic front curtain operates under the Auto option?

Patrick M

Senior Member
Z6 I keep it on electronic front curtain…silent mode. Unless there’s LED or halogen lights…they cause banding if you’re not careful.

Camera Fun

Senior Member
Z6 I keep it on electronic front curtain…silent mode. Unless there’s LED or halogen lights…they cause banding if you’re not careful.

Since the Z6ii has the Auto option, I'm trying to figure out if there are set parameters regarding when the camera chooses between Mechanical and Electronic front curtain.