Shutter Speed


Senior Member
I noticed if myZ6III is set on shutter priority that every time I turn it on it defaults to the fastest shutter speed. Not a problem, I just reduce it. Is there a setting to avoid this?



New member
I very rarely use shutter speed priority but I just tried with my Z7 II to ascertain whether it does, in that mode, the same thing it does in aperture priority, and it does, i.e., it remembers the last setting it was on when switched off, and goes back to it.

For example, I set it to S mode and turn in on. For some reason, let's say the speed is 1/400. I change it to 1/125, turn it off. When I turn it back on, the speed is at 1/125. That's exactly what it does with the aperture setting when in aperture mode.

Maybe there is a setting in the menus that addresses this behavior. I couldn't immediately find it but it was possibly among the many other things I set when I first got the camera.


Senior Member
Thanks. This is different. I'm not setting the camera to the highest shutter speed. Last time I used it I turned it off at 1/1000th of a second, and when I turned it on it was at 1/16000. Wondering why it is doing that

BF Hammer

Senior Member
I don't know. Either this is a feature and setting added by new firmware, or I might expect this if you are using a saved U1-3 custom setup.

Camera Fun

Senior Member
With my U1 setting (aperture priority), turning off/on results in the aperture returning to the lowest setting for the lens (f4). However, if I set the control dial to Aperture, turning off/on retains the previous setting.