hi there,
the 55-200 is a great general purpose telezoom if your just starting out. It uses the standard 52mm filter size, has optical stabilization, if it is clean and all is working then I would say go for it. You WILL have cases where you wish for more focal length than the kit lens you currently have. If it is clean and you look after it, I see no reason why you should not get you 70 dollars (or close to it) back in a few years when you move onto something else.
I have both the 35 and 50 primes. I personally prefer primes and zoom with my feet where possible. This makes me think more about the composition of the shot. The 50 is probably my favourite lens of all, spending most of its time firmly seated onto the mount of my D7000. I have the D version which give me full aperture control on the lens, useful if you want to use a reversing ring and the lens as a macro. I use the 35mm for landscapes and when chasing the kids around the apartment where space is limited, even for the 50mm! Beware, you have the D60 camera which has no internal focusing motor, so the 50mm AF D will not autofocus on your camera... manual focus ony if that is not a problem for you. If you need autofocus then you need the newer AFS version.
I completely support the statement of a previous poster who said that you will learn so much about photography using the 50mm prime!
Have fun!