September Monthly Assignment: Container(s)


Senior Member
Challenge Team
September Monthly Assignment: Container(s).

This can be any container(s). The choice is up to you. A container is anything used to hold or transport something. It can be big, small, plastic, glass, metal, with or without wheels, etc. .........................


Let's get shooting! CREATIVITY/TECHNIQUE rules in this challenge, but there are a few guidelines:

1. Any photo submitted for a monthly assignment must be taken using a Nikon Camera! All submissions must be taken during the month specified in the assignment thread and taken by YOU including all parts of composites!

2. If the EXIF does not show using a browser EXIF app, listing the camera and capture date/time below the photo is required. Listing exposure info, lens & focal length is encouraged so others can learn.

3. Other than that, it's all up to your interpretation of the theme. Any photo will be accepted, SOOC or edited, doesn't matter.

4. Photos must be posted in this thread to be considered. Links to photos will not be considered an entry (In other words, no Flikr, Photobucket, or similar links)

5. Only THREE entries per member for each assignment. Please post entries separately (1 photo per post) and number the entry. It is acceptable to delete a post and submit a new entry, replacing the image within a post is not.

6. Entries will be judged by the number of likes received.

7. The top 5 shots will be displayed in a separate thread and will be displayed in no particular order.

8. This is intended to be a FUN challenge. No critiques unless specifically asked. Also, please limit posts to just photos and brief descriptions/titles. Any comments/discussion should occur elsewhere, PLEASE.

As listed in other challenges, please note: NO CASH OR PRIZES will be awarded for this Monthly Assignment.


*To clarify time for start of the assignment, it is 0000 UTC/GMT the first day of the month (similar to the weekly challenges) and ends at 23:59 UTC/GMT the last day of the month.

D500; D750; D7100; D5300;

18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 G II VR; AF-S VR 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6 G IF-ED; AF-S 85mm f1.8; Tokina 11-16mm f2.8 (IF) DX II; 200-500mm f5.6E ED VR; AF-S VR 24-120mm f/4G ED; TC14E II

Robin W

Senior Member
#1 Gun Powder going into cartridge.



New member
This is my attempt at “Containers”... and since you know by now that I like to tell stories, well I’ll tell you about the things I have assembled for this photo.

The yellow box on the left is, I think, what is called repoussé, or “embossed” metal, and it’s got to be brass, judging by the color, or perhaps an alloy with a lot of brass in it. It is very heavy and was made in the 1880s. It comes from my grandmother. The round thing in the center is an unusual lacquered wood and ceramic (the blueish part on top) Chinese box for opium and is supposedly 17th century. I was told once by a curator at the Musée Guimet in Paris that it is museum-caliber.

The other round thing, the one on the right, is extremely heavy (almost 3 kilos) and comes from Nepal. I reckon it is bronze. It is a set of measuring cups that fit into one another for storage like Russian dolls.

In the back, the black and gold thing is a kintsugi piece done by my wife. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of fixing broken items of pottery or china with a lacquer called urushi, mixed with powdered gold. Thus, what was broken is made whole again, and owing to its scars, more valuable than it was before —very symbolically Japanese.

The rusty, larger box is a personal lockbox from the late Middle Ages or early Renaissance. It is made of iron. It is essentially a small safe for jewellery and other precious personal belongings. It opens with a key but the location of the lock is very cleverly concealed. It has lost its front overlapping part, unfortunately, and so isn’t worth much, even though it is a period piece.

And as I felt the need for an item of color to top it off, the little round orange thing is a cardboard box from Hermès, in which they sell the small silk scarves they call “twillies”.

I only upload a small sized version here, but the full-size 8,300-pixel TIFF file has details that blow you away! This Z-mount 105 macro really is something! 🤩

Nikon Z7 II, Micro-Nikkor Z MC 105mm, ƒ/2.8 S lens. Gitzo tripod, Arca-Swiss Cube C1 geared head. Artificial lighting. Composite shot made of 16 focus-stacked exposures set using the built-in function on the camera body. Stack processed with Helicon Focus, Method B.

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