Question on the Nikon 50mm f/1.8G


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Super Mod
While reading this article on Nikon's 85mm f/1.8G lens, I read the following quote concerning the 50mm f/1.8G: "Another good news is that the rear element of the lens does not move in and out when focusing, so you do not have to worry about changing the lens focus to infinity when changing lenses (like on the Nikon 50mm f/1.8G)." The quote is below the photo with the painted owl.

It's the first time I ever heard that about any lens. Has anyone ever experienced problems when not changing the focus to infinity before removing or mounting any lens? :confused:


Senior Member
Challenge Team
There is nothing in the manual that indicate that setting to infinity is required when the changing 50MM 1.8G lens. Maybe he is just overly cautious and wants the rear element less exposed when changing the lens.

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
I have both the 85 and the 50mm 1.8G

The 50's rear element does indeed move in and out, but it doesn't move "out" any further than the rear element of the 85mm which is below the mount... IOW, it doesn't protrude beyond the lenses mount further than any other lens.

I think his reference is poopoo...


Senior Member
Am I missing something? If you're in the process of changing lenses, who gives a crap what they're focused at during the change? It's not like your taking photos during the process.


Senior Member
I think Needa got it. I found the guy's article on the 50 1.8 G

He says:
"Just remember to take extra precaution when changing the lens in very dusty/windy conditions. Since the rear lens element moves in and out during focusing, get used to rotating the focus ring to the infinity mark before mounting or dismounting the lens."

Just tried my lens. Infinity moves the glass outward and closes some gaps that would otherwise be exposed. If its that windy, I'd worry more about my camera being exposed than which one of my lenses might do better set to infinity.
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Super Mod
Thanks for the replies. Since I don't own the lens, there wasn't any way to check it out. And I certainly hadn't heard of any issues about it previously. @RocketCowboy (Charlie), does your f/1.4 move like the way Nick describes for the f/1.8? Just curious and is something to keep in mind for anyone who is interested in that particular lens.


Senior Member
Thanks for the replies. Since I don't own the lens, there wasn't any way to check it out. And I certainly hadn't heard of any issues about it previously. @RocketCowboy (Charlie), does your f/1.4 move like the way Nick describes for the f/1.8? Just curious and is something to keep in mind for anyone who is interested in that particular lens.

The rear element on the 50/1.4G does move, but does not move past the mount or the contact points. Not sure if it's the same movement observed with the 50/1.8G, but my guess is probably so.