Photoshop Blend Modes Explained


Senior Member
great link,, also a reminder of why to master Adobe could take years and years and years.. I blend all the time, but not to that level of control in modes.

I think the initial statement of contineous experimentation is key.. which is one reason why you can really never ever outgrow photography. The topic is too vast.


The Dude
Great blog site. He's got a lot of tutorials on his site. It's things like this blog and all the other free content that keeps me from using some of the pay-per-view sites. It's cool that the internet is populated with people willing to share their expertise on a subject for free, Nikonites being a shining example.


Staff member
Super Mod
I realize I am digging up an old thread here. At least I'm using the search feature! ;)

Since I wanted to learn more about blending modes, I perused the information highway and came across this info:

This link contains the in depth video below which shows the differences between blending modes. In all honesty, I started to fall asleep :shame: but it is excellent because we get to see how the image changes as well learning the differences between them. Not all blending modes operate the same way. For example, at 10:30, he says the blending modes in the Normal category don't blend the pixels in layers. Instead, they reveal the pixels in the layers below when the opacity is reduced. Yet other blending modes do blend pixels of different layers together. It's interesting but very comprehensive.
