Photoshoot with Kiew Shimi and Michelle Low in Sunny Singapore


New member
Taken with Df and Nikon Nikkor Auto S C 55mm F1.2 @ 1.2

Taken with Df and Voigtlander 55mm F1.2 @ 1.2
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New member
Nice shots! That Nikon Nikkor Auto S C 55mm F1.2 really brings out the details, love the bokeh.

But the Voigtlander 44mm F1.2, wow, that one's something special too!

Which one do you prefer? I’ve been thinking of getting a fast lens for portraits, and can’t decide between these two. Any tips?

Greetings, Beatrice 😉


New member
Hi Beatrice,

Actually I like both as their colours differ a little bit from each other. Different characteristics.

A typo in my post as it should be the Voigtlander 55mm F1.2.

The Voigtlander has electronic contacts so you do not need to turn aperture on the lens but from body only.