On1 Photo Raw a Replacement to Lightroom

Fred Kingston_RIP

Senior Member
Depends on what you want... Basically, they'll both do the same thing as far as editing goes. It simply becomes a question of how much editing you do, and how important speed is. A lot of LR users want LR for the cataloguing feature, which appears NOT to be in the ON1 product.

There's no question Adobe's LR has become the "kitchen sink" and it's performance is beginning to reflect that... They're stuck between a rock and a hard spot now. If they improve performance by eliminating the "kitchen sink", customers are going to cry and holler... Start adding a catalogue feature to ON1 and let's see the performance then...

If you're a hobbyist, then you can take a wait & see attitude. If you're in business to make money, then you don't take a wait/see attitude...


Senior Member
Personally I've tried all the RAW processing softwares out there. Ive always returned to Lightroom every time. Although some softwares may have one slightly better feature (ie DxO's lens corrections etc), they tend to fall behind with all their other features. So if you percieve Lightroom as a complete package, it can't be beaten in my opinion.

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Senior Member
The other consideration I find important: is a software 'future proof'. Ie if you non destructively edit some photos now, will they open up exactly the same in future versions of the software. Lightroom is great with that feature.

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Senior Member
Depends on what you want... Basically, they'll both do the same thing as far as editing goes. It simply becomes a question of how much editing you do, and how important speed is. A lot of LR users want LR for the cataloguing feature, which appears NOT to be in the ON1 product.

There's no question Adobe's LR has become the "kitchen sink" and it's performance is beginning to reflect that... They're stuck between a rock and a hard spot now. If they improve performance by eliminating the "kitchen sink", customers are going to cry and holler... Start adding a catalogue feature to ON1 and let's see the performance then...

If you're a hobbyist, then you can take a wait & see attitude. If you're in business to make money, then you don't take a wait/see attitude...

Yes, and it's starting to get annoyingly slow lately. Unfortunately it is still the best product for me and what I need, so I stick with it.


Senior Member
I'm always going to be using Photoshop, so the way I look at it I get my Lightroom for free. I got my first On1 software for not so free, and every year since then they've issued a new version and wanted some more not so free from me. At least with the CC I can budget.