off model fashion photography


Senior Member
off model fashion photography lenses

Good Morning

I was curious if I can get some help on what the best lens for doing off model fashion photography is. I have had a deal present itself and curious what the best lens to use would be. Nevr done it before and don't want to blow the opportunity. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Senior Member
Good Morning

I had an opportunity to do some off model fashion shots. I have not done this before and not really sure what to charge. I don't want to be too cheap but I also do want to be too high. Can I am looking for a ball park idea what to charge. Any help would be much appreciated.


Senior Member
Need a lot more information to help you out. things like:

Were are you located, big difference between California and Calcutta.

Type of client, big fashion company or thrift store?

Will the clothing be on a table or a manikin? If manikin, who will dress it?

Length of shooting system, 30 minutes or 8 hours.

Location, your studio or their facility?

Are you a established professional or a beginner?

This should give you some ideas of kind of info needed.


Senior Member
I have done numerous model portfolios and the lenses (for 35mm/FX format) I use the most are an 85mm f/1.4, 105 mm f/1.8 and 180mm f/2.8. I prefer fast primes since limited depth of field to isolate the model without losing a sense of "place" is essential to good fashion photography.

To get started, offer TFP
(Time for Prints or CD). Once you have gotten established, try charging $40-50 an hour with a 2 hour minimum. When I shoot an agency represented model, I choose a flat fee of $450 for one model or $800 for two and guarantee at least 4 hours of shooting.
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New member
I use lenses with a focal length of 50mm, and they are usually fix lenses. I started with the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM. I used it for several years in combination with the Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM lens, which gave me new features and provided a more compressed perspective. I bought the Canon RF 50mm F1.2L USM lens right after this model hit the market because I was impressed with the optical quality and maximum aperture. It provides fantastic clarity throughout the frame, and it's especially noticeable with the Canon EOS R camera. It helped me when working on the adidas yeezy boost 350.


New member
I use lenses with a focal length of 50mm, and they are usually fix lenses. I started with the Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM. I used it for several years in combination with the Canon EF 85mm f/1.8 USM lens, which gave me new features and provided a more compressed perspective. I bought the Canon RF 50mm F1.2L USM lens right after this model hit the market because I was impressed with the optical quality and maximum aperture. It provides fantastic clarity throughout the frame, and it's especially noticeable with the Canon EOS R camera. It helped me when working on the adidas yeezy boost 350.


Senior Member
I'll help revive this thread. I have color glossy ads every month. This is one of my favorite shots. The art behind the model had a 350k price tag on it.
Boy with Car s.jpg


Senior Member
"The art behind the model had a 350k price tag on it." I'm in the wrong business. I could turn out a couple dozen of those before lunch.