Not as much time to shoot up here as I would like............


Senior Member
Since I am the only Microbiologist in the entire hospital I stay very busy and I am having to work every other weekend which really bites.

But there are some nice scenic areas up here this time of year. There has been a lot of rain here in the last week or so the brooks and creeks have a lot of flow. I shot this one this morning around 9am. The skies were overcast so the light was soft and diffused. 1/2 sec @ f11 with the 18mm f/3.5 AIS Nikkor and D700.

I really want to get out with the Hasselblad and shoot some of this stuff but since I only have about 5 weeks left here (thank God!) there is not enough time to really bother going to all of the time and expense of getting all of the chemistry to process the film and I don't dare trust an outside lab to process my black and white negatives. Too much of a control freak for that!


  • 700_0319B&W.jpg
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Staff member
Super Mod
The same image, only in color. I prefer the B&W myself. The B&W would look terrific in 16x20

I too prefer the B&W. There's something about the topaz color in the water that I don't care for. Nice job on the B&W!


Senior Member
I also prefer the B&W. I find the very bright yellow leaves a abstraction. In fact, I might even be tempted to tone them down a little in the B&W.


Senior Member
I too prefer the B&W. There's something about the topaz color in the water that I don't care for. Nice job on the B&W!

Lots of tannins in the water this time of year up here, I pulled a lot of the red and yellow out of it but could only go so far.


Senior Member
The rich amber hues are something which makes this image Unique , leave the color in it.
I like it a lot, for that reason in particular. Sometimes the eyes just want a rest , from all the color distractions , but the color in This, is unified , it doesn't clash with itself and the tones are lost in the BW version. ( i might tone down the leaf on the side though, a tad, since its so far left or clone it more central if you like the contrast , which is nice)
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Senior Member
The rich amber hues are something which makes this image Unique , leave the color in it.
I like it a lot, for that reason in particular. Sometimes the eyes just want a rest , from all the color distractions , but the color in This, is unified , it doesn't clash with itself and the tones are lost in the BW version. ( i might tone down the leaf on the side though, a tad, since its so far left or clone it more central if you like the contrast , which is nice)

The one thing I like so much about this image is the sense of tranquility. When I look back at either image, in my mind all I hear is the gently rushing water. No other sound. That is one of the things that can be so powerful about photography; the ability of an image to convey a sense of place for the viewer, even if they have never been there.

There is an image in my portfolio on page 4 of some fir trees up in WA state covered and drooping with heavy snow. In the distance you can see the winter storm which has just cleared around the trees. Yet as I was standing there taking the image I can still remember the sound of the few snow flakes bouncing off of the nylon of my down jacket amidst the total quiet of the scene. There was a feeling of total tranquility and awe struck at the beauty of nature that I will forever have in my mind whenever I look at that image.


Senior Member
Well, it's fall and all these different beautiful colors, so let's go with black and white. Is that what you were thinking? sheeeeeshhhh.:rolleyes:


Senior Member
Well, it's fall and all these different beautiful colors, so let's go with black and white. Is that what you were thinking? sheeeeeshhhh.:rolleyes:

This image was to a great extent monochromatic. And I prefer black and white as it brings out the abstract so much better than color.