Nikon D810 spectral response


New member

Does anyone here have an understanding of the spectral response for the D810 for each of the R, G and B bands? Below are some examples of other curves for other cameras and what I had in mind.


Senior Member
As a retired spectroscopist, I'll try to help. First off, the 2nd graph is reversed from the first, so if you flip the 2nd one 180 degrees, they make a little more sense.

I don't have a D810 so I can't speak to it's response. but these curves show the sensitivity of the sensor to the various colors in the visible spectrum.

The first graph is showing that the blue response also has some red response - not uncommon in silicon based sensors. Without more context, it's difficult to say what the 2nd graph is showing. Hope this helps


Senior Member
As a retired spectroscopist, I'll try to help. First off, the 2nd graph is reversed from the first, so if you flip the 2nd one 180 degrees, they make a little more sense.

I don't have a D810 so I can't speak to it's response. but these curves show the sensitivity of the sensor to the various colors in the visible spectrum.

The first graph is showing that the blue response also has some red response - not uncommon in silicon based sensors. Without more context, it's difficult to say what the 2nd graph is showing. Hope this helps

Yes, but what do these graphs mean in the real world. For example this website show graphs for the Canon 40D, Nikon D200, D300 and D700 (apparent source of one of the graphs above), but can these graphs be used to determine which camera would produce the best picture?

Horoscope Fish

Senior Member

Does anyone here have an understanding of the spectral response for the D810 for each of the R, G and B bands? Below are some examples of other curves for other cameras...
In my opinion you'll get better responses by posting this question on a forum such as Digital Photography Review.

DPR is "home" to countless engineers-with-cameras who delight in discussing matters such as this ad nauseam.

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
Engineer: "Spectometers, oscilloscopes, and decibels, oh my."
Me: "It takes pretty pictures."

Good luck finding out about the response of the camera. I am guessing you are looking for the most accurate color representation. Let us know what you find out.
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Senior Member
Yes, but what do these graphs mean in the real world. For example this website show graphs for the Canon 40D, Nikon D200, D300 and D700 (apparent source of one of the graphs above), but can these graphs be used to determine which camera would produce the best picture?

Not really. The spectral response of the sensor is just one of the elements that come into play in an image. There's also the glass, lighting, composition, etc. Trying to pick a camera based on just this one feature is like trying to buy a car based on the size of the headlights.