New Photos ( black and white) let me know what you think, give me a lot of feedback!


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note: these photos were originally for a black and white film class, have more coming - some of the developing may look weird b/c yes we used reels not machines ( I know I know.. kind of old- fashioned) and it was my first time using this medium


Senior Member
I'm just going to be brutally honest here.

You mention that these were for a B&W film class, so I'm curious if the assignment was merely working with the medium or if there is something else at work here. For me at least, these do not hold any artistic value and their technical merit seems the be lacking as well. In other words, not only do I not understand your intended message (if any) with these photos, but it would seem that whatever film process you are using, it didn't work out so well.


Senior Member
I'm definitely not sure of the meaning of this. Unfortunately, whatever process you used to expose or scan ruined these photographs.

Judging by the sneakers in the one picture, I am assuming some of these were taken some what recently. Are you experimenting with old film and an old camera?

Could you clarify more with what you are doing or trying to get out of this?


New member
Hey guys! First of all thanks again for critiquing my photos. As you can tell from the way the pictures turned out it was my first time taking a black and white film photography class and our class did not use machines which you can probably tell from some of the quality of the photos that something occurred in the developing of the photos/ light exposure. For the class, we were required to develop our film on reels and it took me a few times before I got the hang of it. I also do know that some of the photos were processed with bad developer because it was sitting in the lab a few days. I do however have even better quality photos that I'll be able to show all of you once I receive the results of my final.

To clarify the artistic style I was going for, as far as artistry I really enjoy capturing the emotions and expressions of people which I attempted to do in the photographs above. Each are categorized as far as assignment category. I guess right now then I am asking you guys to evaluate my artistry content.

#1-> professional portrait ( used umbrella lights)
#2-> photo story ( wanted to center the story around people and them admiring the church's structure as I did)
I thought this couple was particularly interesting because of their enjoyment in the beauty of the architecture while relaxing in the nature like setting around the church
#3-> photo story- thanksgiving dinner- mom talking to dog (shows maternal like qual. in char. multitasking with cooking and caring for family
#4-> 1st week, bad representation (innocence girl watching father)
#5-> raindrops
#6-> portrait (outside)- character ( expression and prop- shawl she's wearing)


New member
Thank you for all your feedback :D To make up for my lack of quality here's a photo that I took with a digital Canon camera. mountains.jpg
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New member
Nice .. :D .. I will also remember that..
With regards to the B&W color photos those are really results of someone starting out.. I also do some few years ago.. :) .. Love to tell stories with your pictures? maybe you should also try to consider the background for it is an important one to tell what you want.. :)


Senior Member
Hi,I really really get this. I like them. LOL.The first one, I think he looks like the guy from the Big Bang TV show. LOLThe second one I wish I could see it rotated, but I like the composition.I dig number three. I like the old feeling to it, but I wish the counter tops werent granite... brings some newness to an otherwise old looking photo.Four Looks REALLY old. Looks like one my grandma had of my great grandpa setting tobacco. I like it A LOT.Dont know what #5 is.....and i LOVE the last one. i like the aged look, the headdress, her genuine laugh. Wish the little hairs werent on there but. It was your first time. I would be interested to see what else comes out of this class.As far as the Canon photo goes, I get what you are trying to do, just showing us that you can take a clear photo. LOL Hopefully you can post one you took with a nikon!!I like this stuff. Wish I could take some old school phtoography classes!!!Keep up the good interesting work!!!