Need help asap


New member
So this happened today... I have no idea if this is fixable at all. ANY feedback would be great. Im currently a photography student, freelance photographer and also working on the side as a baby photographer for a company. I NEED this lens in my life. If it is fixable, can I fix it on my own? Or do I have to send it in to get fixed. If thats the case, could anyone please give me a rough estimate of how much it might be. This lens is a nikon 24-70mm 2.8. PLEASE HELP ME IM FREAKING OUT.


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Senior Member
I'd youtube for some help. Your profile doesn't give your location, but I'd also contact Nikon service to check on repair. You might consider filling out your profile. Good luck.



Senior Member
Challenge Team
Welcome to the forum. What Jim said^^^. It looks like some pieces are broken (PLASTIC) that hold the two pieces together, but I am only guessing from you photos.


Senior Member
Welcome to the forum. Sorry this is what brought you here. With the separation of the electrical connections this will be a Nikon repair. Sorry, but I watched just a few minutes of a repair video and there are several connection that seem to have been damaged in your lens.


Senior Member
Welcome aboard. Enjoy the ride.

I am sure the lens is fixable, just a question of how much.

Also, from your pictures, the lens was on your D800 when it was broken. So how was the lens broken. If both were dropped, impacted, etc. you really need to get your camera checked out as well.

I agree. Sounds like an insurance claim and a package being shipped to Nikon is in your future.
You do have insurance, right?


Why would someone be a troll just because the only post once, ok, I do believe in GOOD manners, I NEVER EVER ask a question without saying please and thank you, and I ALWAYS ALWAYS post again thanking "everyone" because they have bothered and taken the time to answer but hes/may not have coma back for other reasons, a death in the family, lost the site!, forgotten,

Perhaps I just like to see the best in people


Mind you I did laugh VERY loudly, as it says "Semi-pro", and does baby photography and yet he relies on ONE lens, god help any client without insurance or spare cameras/lenses, semi-pro my A**** Makes me wonder how many people state PRO or SEMI-PRO because it sounds good, but is "in their dreams"

JRS Photography - Commercial photography


Senior Member
Mind you I did laugh VERY loudly, as it says "Semi-pro", and does baby photography and yet he relies on ONE lens, god help any client without insurance or spare cameras/lenses, semi-pro my A**** Makes me wonder how many people state PRO or SEMI-PRO because it sounds good, but is "in their dreams"

I was a published photographer with a good reputation as a semi-pro sports photographer when I was in college. I could only afford one camera and two lenses. I assume you would have a good laugh at that, and state that I was only a semi-pro in my dreams since I had no spare lenses or cameras.

Why not support and give helpful advise instead of simply cutting people down?

Dawg Pics

Senior Member
The OP is a student doing photography on the side, and baby photography for a company. It is possible the company provides some equipment including lenses for on the job.
You have to start somewhere. I am not sure why the OP can't classify herself anyway she wants as far as skill level or profession.

Anyway, I won't be checking back in on this thread. It has been hijacked enough.


Senior Member
I think the missing picture here is that everyone needs to start somewhere. OP could be a amateur or a pro, but he is not boasting in threads to try and make himself above others, he asked a simple question, whether he chooses to come back or not is his choice.

I have had action sports photos in newsletters and newspapers...were they perfect...NO not by any means but taking the photos for high school/college teams helped me pay for my unrelated to photography schooling.

I was using a D60/D200 and 55-200mm. The school board loved the photos I sent in, because well there was no one else handing them in.

I later started doing local soccer teams team photos and individual portraits, once again not perfect but parents LOVED them, as no one else was doing it and my prices covered my time and expenses with giving me some experience.

You have stated in another thread about being "sued". I would hope that someone that is a "Pro" would have a contract somehow stating that electronics are electronics and things do happens and will not be held responsible... (we are all humans)

Hobbiest/Semi Pro/Pro who cares, to some it's a hobby and to others it's a job. It does not change anything about the status of that person to me. They are all doing photography which we all here enjoy.

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