ND Filters


Senior Member
I bought something similar. It's basically useless above about 5 stops on anything wider than about 40 - 50mm. You get this weird X on your shots. These cheap filters are basically 2 cheap CPL's back to back. It did work ok on my 70-200 though.


Senior Member

Hello down under,

The variable ND filter is a tool. Just another tool! … and a great idea! How great?

Like for every tool, the right answer may only come from you… try it!

I own one that I'd never never think of leaving home without it…

No merchant will object to let you try. In the shop or on the sidewalk…

Have a good day…
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Staff member
Super Mod
I don't have one, but if I were to get one, Bryan Peterson suggests this one by Tiffen. Interesting effect. :)


Michael J.

Senior Member


Senior Member
If I wanted variable ND, I would go with two polarizing filters. As you rotate one with respect to the other the transmission is reduced, so you get variable ND effect. How much will depend on the polarizers.