My Point n Shoot Nikon not working like it used to


New member
Hello...I'm new here. I have been using my Nikon Coolpix L820 in my used books business for some time with great results. However lately my photos are often overly awash in brightness. I have adjusted the white balance and changed the ISO settings back and forth from 200 to AUTO. My question is: do these cameras wear out? I never used to have issues but now I'm having trouble getting a decent photo. I will insert a couple of example photos from a recent batch here. Any help sincerely appreciated. -Eric Mayer


Staff member
Super Mod
It's possible the aperture blades are getting sticky and need to be cleaned. A few years ago, I purchased a Nikon 28-70mm f/2.8 from That's what was going on with it - one image would be fine while another was overexposed. The EXIF for the images was identical, but it was clear one image was way too bright.

When the blades get sticky, they don't stop down all the way and are open more than they should be for a correct exposure. And because of it, too much light hits the sensor. Other than having the lens cleaned, I don't think there is much else you can do if this is the cause.

BF Hammer

Senior Member
Possible the metering sensor has dust accumulated on it. Everything would look dark to the sensor that way. Up to you to decide if it's worth paying for repair or just shopping for a used one to replace.


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Gee, once again I didn't get credit for this posting! :confused:
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