My Dream Project - Kamesh


Senior Member
As was discussed in the earlier thread with regards to me shooting manually 24/7 (since i do not know how to work in P, A and S modes, lol), even with my point and shoot Canon Powershot S5 IS (a camera which was bought couple of months' before my daughter's birth in 2008), to start with, I am posting two selected pics taken by me during my sister's marriage in a typical Southern Indian Style...

1) The light was emitting from the Videographer's bulb who was running to cover the event, and it matched perfectly to highlight the bride, at the right place at the right moment :).


2) The second one was when, adding a bit of fun, they were to do what was seen in the pic. All my family members were happy to see this pic, which even the official photographer missed :)


3) This is where I was born on November 01, 1976 :) Shot when i visited my hometown to re-live the childhood days :)



Senior Member
Few pics of my son and few taken today morning at 6 am for the weekly challenge :)









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Senior Member
There was a little procession nearby my place when I went to get a cab. Came back home and took the camera along. shot about an hour ago
One thing I am learning is - Never trust the display image shown on the LCD of the camera, lol. The display shows bright images and once I see them on camera, i find nothing. These were the only ones available after little tweeks.

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Senior Member
I couldn't get any better from the below pic. 1) he was staring at me and am a bit embarassed and 2) the Sun is coming up straight.
Used the 18-105mm kit. Need Expert Opinions



Happily retired
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Super Mod
I couldn't get any better from the below pic. 1) he was staring at me and am a bit embarassed and 2) the Sun is coming up straight.
Used the 18-105mm kit. Need Expert Opinions

Why did you feel embarassed? You could have talked to him to open a communication. Did you feel that you were trying to take this picture without him knowing about you?

It could be a nice picture but it needs some work. I find the subject is lost in the shadow. You would have to make him a little lighter and add a little contrast to his body and face. Try to improve it with your post processing software. Just remember to always work on a copy of the original file. This way, if you don't like your result, you try again. It's part of the learning process. This could become a very beautiful picture.

Enjoy your Nikon.


Senior Member
Thanks Marcel,
I tried to take without him noticing, but i was caught :) Yup, i have to try to open a conversation, will work on that.
Joined a photo enthusiasts group in Delhi on facebook. They do outings and i can participate whenever time permits.
There are three more pics which i uploaded just above this pic :)


Senior Member
I got an occasion to carry out my camera twice during the last 10 days: a) during the Formula 1 Qualifying Race held in India, and b) when my wife took me out for getting the Mehndi (encyclopedia) work done on her palms. This is concerning (a) (Suggest me where I went wrong):

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